• 英国探险家沙克尔顿的南极沉船能否 “失而复得”?

    20-11-17 要想找到英国南极探险家欧内斯特沙克尔顿(Ernest Shackleton)曾经带领的标志性船只,需要付出巨大的努力。 这是去年试图寻找 持久号 探险船未果的科学家们得出的结论,持久号 于1915年沉入了威德尔海三千米深的海底。 It was an extraordinary adventure - Ernest Sh...

  • 世界最大非官方医院船下海启航

    19-07-08 A Chinese-built unofficial hospital ship, the newest and largest of its kind in the world, has set sail from a port in northern Chinas Tianjin Municipality, the ship manufacturer said. 中国建造的一艘非官方医院船,世界上最新最大的同种船只,已从天津港...

  • 第一艘中国造极地探险邮轮试水

    19-03-13 The first China-made cruise ship for polar expeditions tested the water on Tuesday in Haimen, east Chinas Jiangsu Province. 第一艘中国制造极地探险邮轮周二在江苏海门试水。 Hu Xianfu, general manager of the shipbuilder China Merchants Group, said the...

  • 雪龙号在南极与冰山相撞

    19-01-22 Chinas Xuelong, polar icebreaker, collided with an iceberg on its 35th Antarctic research mission due to thick fog, said Chinas Ministry of Natural Resources Monday on its website. 中国国土资源部官网周一发布消息,雪龙号极地破冰船在第35次南极考察任务...

  • 世界第一艘塑料船1月底首航

    19-01-15 Flip-Flopi, the worlds first ship made of plastic, will usher in its maiden sail by the end of January. 世界上第一艘由塑料制成的船只Flip-Flopi将于1月底开始处女航。 It will depart from Lamu Island in Kenya and arrive at Zanzibar Island in Tanzania af...

  • 亚洲最大自航绞吸船天鲲号完成全部测试

    19-01-10 Chinas largest self-propelled vessel, named Tian Kun Hao, returned to Qidong Shipyard in Jiangsu Province after its first trial voyage, reports Xinhua News Agency. 中国最大的自航绞吸船天鲲号首次试航结束已返回江苏启东船厂。 The ship, which is owned b...

  • 中国最大液化天然气运输船“泛非”号交付使用

    19-01-09 Chinas biggest liquefied natural gas carrier ship, Pan Africa, has been delivered at the Hudong Shipyard in Shanghai, reports Kankannews.com. 看看新闻网报道,中国最大的液化天然气运输船泛非号在上海沪东造船厂交付使用。 The delivery of Pan Africa, toge...

  • 泰坦尼克号II将于2022年重新启航

    18-10-25 Australian mining magnate and former conservative politician Clive Palmer has announced that he is restarting his plan to build a full-size replica of the Titanic. 澳大利亚产业大亨、前保守派政客克莱夫帕尔默宣布,他将重新打造一艘全尺寸的泰坦尼克号复...

  • 黑海发现最古老的完整沉船

    18-10-25 The oldest intact shipwreck has been found in the Black Sea. 最古老的完整沉没船只在黑海被发现。 A group of archaeologists and scientists belonging to the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (Black Sea MAP) have said that they have found a ship on...

  • 中国天恩号货船将穿越北极驶向欧洲

    18-08-06 Chinas cargo ship Tianen departed the port of Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province on Saturday, starting its journey through the Arctic to Europe, reports CCTV.com. 中国天恩号货船周六从江苏连云港出发,开始穿越北极到达欧洲之旅。 As Chinas first cargo ship...