• 意油轮搁浅 船长弃船被逮捕

    12-01-20 Maritime authorities, passengers and mounting evidence pointed toward the captain of a cruise liner that ran aground and capsized off the Tuscan coast, amid accusations that he abandoned ship before everyone was safely evacuated and was showing off...

  • A Psychological Shipwreck - 4

    11-12-09 I lay still in my berth(卧铺,停泊处) -- so still I hardly breathed. But the subject was evidently not displeasing to Doyle, and after a short pause he resumed: 'By the way, she is only an adopted daughter of the Harfords. Her mother was killed at...

  • A Friend's Prayer

    11-12-06 A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two of the men aboard were able to swim to a small, desert-like island. Not knowing what else to do, the two survivors agreed that they had no other recourse than to pray to God. However, to...

  • 新西兰搁浅货船船长被起诉

    11-10-12 The captain of a cargo ship that has grounded off New Zealand and is leaking oil into the sea has been arrested and charged, officials say. 一艘货船在新西兰海域搁浅并向海中泄露大量石油,该船船长已被逮捕并遭到起诉。 It is not clear how the Rena ran i...

  • 奋进号圆满结束最后一次飞行

    11-06-01 Space shuttle Endeavour has brought its 19-year operational career to a close with a textbook landing in Florida. 奋进号航天飞机顺利降落到佛罗里达航天中心,结束了19年的服役生涯。 The vehicle swept into a night-time touch-down at the Kennedy Space Ce...

  • 开普勒号飞船与国际空间站成功对接

    11-02-25 Europe's sophisticated space freighter, Johannes Kepler, has docked with the International Space Station (ISS). 欧洲精密的太空飞船开普勒号已与国际空间站成功对接。 The unmanned robotic truck attached itself to the Zvezda module on the rear of the pla...

  • 英国游轮将停靠古巴港口

    11-01-05 A British-owned cruise ship is due to sail into the Cuban capital, Havana, on Wednesday, the first in years to dock in the Communist-run island. 一艘英国游艇本周三将要驶往古巴首都哈瓦那,这是近年来首次停靠在该共产主义国家岛屿的船只。 The Thomson Dre...

  • You Can Come Down Now

    10-11-26 The cruise ship my friend was working on docked(停驻) at a Mexican port during a very high tide. Everyone on board was forced to use the ship's narrow gangplank(跳板,踏板) as a passageway to the dock far below. The staff stood motionless when a...

  • 美国海军陆战队救获一艘被海盗劫持的船只

    10-09-10 US Marines have boarded and seized a vessel hijacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia, navy officials say. 美国海军官员称,海军陆战队截获了一艘在索马里海岸被劫持的船舶。 US Marines overpowered nine pirates who had captured the Magellan Star (left...

  • 索马里海盗劫持一艘巴拿马货船

    10-08-03 Somali pirates have hijacked the Panama-flagged MV Suez cargo ship with 23 crew on board, the European Union naval force (EUNAVFOR) has said. 欧联海军特遣队称,索马里海盗劫持了一艘悬挂巴拿马国旗的、载有23名船员的货船。 Last year, Somali pirates carr...