• 中国医务船访问斐济

    18-08-03 The Chinese naval hospital ship Ark Peace, arrived on Thursday in the Fijian capital city of Suva, beginning an eight-day goodwill visit and providing humanitarian medical service in Fiji. 中国海军医务船和平方舟号周四抵达斐济首都苏瓦,进行一场为期8...

  • 世界最大二代矿砂船交付使用

    18-01-12 The worlds largest second-generation VLOC (Very Large Ore Carrier), a 400-thousand-ton ore carrier built by Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, was delivered to China Ore Shipping in Shanghai on Thursday. 由上海外高桥造船厂生产的40万吨级世界最大的二代...

  • 中国建造世界上第一艘深海采矿船

    17-09-22 The worlds first deep sea mining vessel is being built by a Chinese shipping firm, and is expected be put into use in 2018. 一家中国船舶公司正在建造世界上第一艘深海采矿船,这艘船只预计将于2018年投入使用。 The vessel is being made by Fujian Mawei Shi...

  • 邮轮甲板上空气很糟 含大量微粒

    17-07-16 Levels of pollution on some cruise ships decks are worse than in the worlds most polluted cities, an investigation by Channel 4 Dispatches has found. 英国第四频道《深入报道》节目调查发现,邮轮甲板上的空气污染程度超过了世界上污染最严重的城市。 The un...

  • 向阳红10号科考船返航回国

    17-07-10 Chinese science ship Xiangyanghong 10 Sunday returned to China after a voyage to the southwest Indian Ocean that lasted more than 200 days. 中国向阳红10号科考船在印度洋航行200多天后于周日返回祖国。 The ship docked at a port in Zhoushan, east Chinas...

  • 国际游轮沿海上丝绸之路停靠厦门

    17-06-27 An international cruise ship carrying thousands of passengers arrived at Xiamen on June 26, finishing its 37-day maiden voyage. 一艘搭载数千名乘客的国际游轮于6月26日停靠厦门港,结束了其37天的处女航。 The Majestic Princess set sail from Rome on May 2...

  • 英国公司2018将组织泰坦尼克潜水之旅

    17-03-16 Resting at a depth of 13,000ft (4,000m), the RMS Titanic continues to captivate the public more than a century after it sunk to the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. It has now been announced that those still intrigued by the vessel will be able t...

  • 中国航天测量船远望7号正式下水

    16-07-12 Chinas new generation of space tracking ship, the Yuanwang-7, was formally launched on Tuesday after a 60-day trial period. 中国新一代航天测量船远望7号,经过60天的试用期已于本周二正式下水服役。 The vessel, designed by China, marks a new high for Chi...

  • 全球最大邮轮“海洋和谐号”即将首航

    16-05-24 The worlds largest cruise ship has arrived at Southampton ahead of its maiden voyage. 全球最大邮轮海洋和谐号抵达英格兰南部的南安普敦港口,即将首航。 The 1,188ft long Harmony of the Seas cost one billion US dollars, can carry 6,780 guests and 2,100 c...

  • Mother, You Can Come Down 妈妈,您可以下来了

    16-05-12 The cruise ship my friend was working on socked at a Mexican port during a very high tide. Everyone on board was forced to use the ships narrow gangplank as a passageway to the dock far below. The staff stood motionless when a passenger in her 70s a...