• 《魔发奇缘》第23章

    22-09-08 Flynn was jolted awake just in time to see the palace guards running toward him. He looked around in confusion, having no idea how he had gotten on the ship. Then he heard a palace guard say, Look! The crown! And Flynn remembered the Stabbington bro...

  • 别有含义的英语单词

    22-05-26 1. Word 原意:单词,话语 作为俚语:Word = I agree。 例句: - You do not have to agree on politics. 你们没必要在政治观点上保持一致。 - Word! 说得对! 2. Ship 原意:船 作为俚语:俚语的ship常被人用作支持某对影视剧里的CP(couple 情侣档 的缩写)。 例句:...

  • 英国探险家沙克尔顿南极沉船时隔百年被发现

    22-05-18 How do you make a robot likeable? 怎样才能让机器人讨人喜欢? Its a simple enough question 这个问题并不难。 but it needs complex science to find an answer. 但需要复杂的科学手段才能找到答案。 Scientists at the University of Hertfordshire [UK] asked vo...

  • ship-shape 井井有条的

    21-12-28 形容某事做的很有顺序,井井有条的,我们可以说 ship-shape. 例句 Everything had to be ship-shape before we could sell the house. Following that storm it will take ages to get the garden ship-shape again. 请注意 形容一个公司的运作很有条理,非常规范,我...

  • 目前最先进的极地船驶向南极

    21-12-20 Its the most advanced polar ship ever to set sail. Named after Sir David Attenborough, it took just four years to build. Now its getting ready for its first voyage to Antarctica. 这是有史以来出海启航的极地船中最先进的一艘。它以大卫爱登堡爵士命名,只...

  • 拖船的哲理

    21-06-24 One night many years ago I was on the bridge of a ship that passed one of our large cities on a quiet night. I saw its lights reflected in the sky and heard the rumblings of the citys noises. 多年前的一个晚上,我在宁静的夜色中乘船经过某个大都市。站...

  • to jump ship 弃船先逃=跳槽

    21-06-16 表达to jump ship 跳船源自航海,旧时的海员需要和自己所在的船同生共死,即使船就要沉入海底也不能弃船而逃。现在,to jump up用来指一个人在其所处团队、公司等遇到困难时,辞职或离开原本的职位,甚至是换到与前东家有竞争关系的组织中去。 例句 When I found out t...

  • 搁浅货轮脱困 苏伊士运河恢复通航

    21-04-01 苏伊士运河因长赐号货轮搁浅被堵多日,货轮解困进展牵动全球目光。经过了长达一周的救援,当地时间3月29日搁浅货轮已经完全脱困,苏伊士运河恢复通航。 Salvage teams succeeded on Monday in freeing a massive container ship that had been stuck in the Suez canal...

  • 喜欢现实,只会更好?

    21-02-27 如果你相信来自硅谷的大肆宣传的话,那么下一个风靡技术界的大事件则将是增强现实 AR。虽然有些人对它的吸引力表示怀疑,但是像微软和阿里巴巴这样的大公司正在对这一新技术投入大笔资金。这究竟是什么东西呢? Weve landed on the moon and sent spacecraft to Mars....

  • 深海探险队发现泰坦尼克号残骸腐蚀严重

    20-11-24 近15年来首批潜入泰坦尼克号的探险人员说,沉船残骸腐蚀程度在进一步地恶化。这个由深海探险家组成的国际团队先后五次潜入海底,对残骸进行了勘查。他们发现,虽然沉船的部分残骸状况出奇地好,但也有一些部分已经消失在大海中。 This is the sound of a submersible t...