• 船舶噪声影响螃蟹新陈代谢

    13-02-27 A new study published in Biology Letters found that ship noise affects crab metabolism(新陈代谢) , with largest crabs faring worst, and found little evidence that crabs acclimatise(适应,习惯) to noise over time. The team from the Universities o...

  • 《泰坦尼克号》四

    13-01-29 精彩对白 Rose: And why do you have two steering wheels ? Captain: We really only use this near shore. Sparks: Excuse me, sir. Another ice warning. This one is from the Noordam. Captain: Thank you, Sparks. Not to worry. Quite normal for this time of...

  • 《泰坦尼克号》二

    13-01-29 精彩对白 He must have been nervous, but he never faltered . They assumed he was one of them. Heir to a railroad fortune, perhaps. New money , obviously, but still a member of the club. Mother, of course, could always be counted upon . Mother: Tell u...

  • 孤岛上的故事

    12-11-29 The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly(狂热地) for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to buil...

  • 一艘希腊油轮被海盗劫持

    12-08-29 Pirates have seized a Greek-owned oil tanker and its 24 crew off the coast of Togo, a maritime group reports. 一家海事组织报道,海盗在多哥海域劫持了一艘希腊油轮,船上有24名船员。 The attackers exchanged fire with a Togolese patrol boat but escaped o...

  • 澳大利亚富豪出资修建泰坦尼克2号

    12-05-05 A maverick Australian mining billionaire, Clive Palmer, plans to build the Titanic II and sail it from England to New York by the end of 2016. 特立独行的澳大利亚矿业富豪克莱夫帕尔默计划出资修建泰坦尼克2号游轮,这艘游轮将在2016年底前从英格兰驶往纽约...

  • 英国游轮重温泰坦尼克号悲剧航程

    12-04-14 Descendants of some of the 1,500 people killed when the Titanic sank a century ago were among the passengers on a cruise ship that set off from Britain on Sunday to retrace the route of the liner's ill-fated voyage. 在泰坦尼克号沉没100年后,巴尔莫勒...

  • 美警卫队击沉日本“幽灵船”

    12-04-06 The US Coast Guard has used cannon to sink a crewless Japanese ship that drifted to Alaska after the 2011 tsunami. 美国海岸警卫队用大炮击沉了一艘没有船员的日本船只,该船在2011年飓风过后漂流到阿拉斯加。 The coast guard earlier said they would hold of...

  • 欧洲ATV运输船成功与国际空间站对接

    12-03-29 Europe's sophisticated ATV space freighter has docked with the International Space Station (ISS). 欧洲ATV太空运输船成功与国际空间站对接。 The unmanned robotic craft attached itself to the Zvezda module on the rear of the platform at 22:31 GMT. The s...

  • 东非海底光缆被轮船抛锚破坏

    12-02-28 East Africa's high-speed internet access has been severely disrupted after a ship dropped its anchor onto fibre-optic cables off Kenya's coast. 一艘轮船在肯尼亚海岸抛锚时破坏了海底光缆,东非地区互联网接入因此中断。 The ship was waiting to enter Momb...