• A shipwrecked sailor 一个遭遇海难的水手

    14-07-09 A sailor was the only survivor of the shipwreck. He had to stay on a desert island for three years. One day he was very pleased to find a ship anchored in the day. When a small boat came ashore, an officer handed him a bunch of newspaper and said, T...

  • The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor 2

    14-06-20 From time to time we landed at various islands, where we sold or exchanged our merchandise(商品,货物) , and one day, when the wind dropped suddenly, we found ourselves becalmed(平静的) close to a small island like a green meadow, which only ros...

  • The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman 5

    14-05-22 Marzavan was rejoiced, and set out at once for Prince Camaralzaman's residence. The ship on which he embarked had a prosperous voyage till she got within sight of the capital of King Schahzaman, but when just about to enter the harbour she suddenly...

  • Noureddin and the Fair Persian 4

    14-05-14 May it please your Majesty, I had gone to the slave market to buy myself a cook. While there I heard a slave being offered for 4,000 pieces. Asking to see her, I found she was of incomparable beauty, and was being sold by Noureddin, the son of your...

  • 美军将在军舰上部署激光炮

    14-02-20 美国海军打算2013年夏天首次在军舰上部署激光炮,并于2年之内对磁轨炮进行初步测试。这些未来范十足的装备颇有电影《星球大战》的风格。 Some of the Navy's futuristic weapons sound like something out of Star Wars, with lasers designed to shoot down aerial dr...

  • 美国海岸警卫队派破冰船救援中俄船只

    14-01-10 The US Coast Guard was dispatching a special ice-breaking cutter to help free two ships lodged in the Antarctic, officials announced Saturday. 美国海岸警卫队应澳大利亚海事安全局请求,派出北极星号破冰船前往救援被困南极的中俄船只。 The Chinese vessel...

  • Psychology

    13-11-13 Several international businessmen were on a conference cruise when the ship began to sink. Go and tell those fellows to put on life jackets and jump overboard, the captain directed his first mate. A few minutes later the first mate returned. Those g...

  • 柯斯达康柯达号游艇被成功扶正

    13-09-17 Engineers in Italy have succeeded in setting the cruise ship Costa Concordia upright, 20 months after it ran aground off the island of Giglio. 意大利的工程师们成功将柯斯达康柯达号游艇扶正,此时它已在吉廖岛海岸搁浅20个月。 They said that the unpreced...

  • 意大利货船撞上控制塔 四人死亡

    13-05-08 At least four people have died and several more are missing after a container ship crashed into a control tower in the Italian port of Genoa. 意大利热那亚港一艘集装箱运货船撞上一座控制塔,至少四人死亡、多人失踪。 A search and rescue operation was un...

  • 澳企业家公布泰坦尼克二号设计图

    13-03-01 Australian mining entrepreneur Clive Palmer on Tuesday unveiled blueprints for Titanic II, a modern replica of the doomed ocean liner, although he stopped short of calling the vessel unsinkable. 澳大利亚矿业企业家克莱夫帕尔默周二公布了泰坦尼克二号的...