• to have a change of heart 改变主意,改变态度

    21-12-14 一个人如果 have a change of heart,那意思就是此人对某事的态度或想法有了改变。 例句 I know we agreed to get a new kitchen this year, but Ive had a change of heart. I think we need a new car more. Following public anger the government had a change of...

  • to get something out of your system 发泄

    21-12-14 Get something out of your system 让什么东西离开你的身体这个表达的实际意思是发泄。把藏在心中许久或忍耐很长一段时间的事情说出来,释放一下。 例句 Im sorry for shouting at you, but I had to get it out of my system. I hate it when you dont take your shoe...

  • stupid tax 智商税

    21-11-19 618 年中购物节(mid-year shopping festival)又来了,各大电商纷纷推出促销活动。今年你剁手了吗? 看到打折马上买买买,你为此交了多少智商税? 智商税,又称低智商税,网络流行词,多指由于在花钱时缺乏判断能力,花了冤枉钱(not get ones moneys worth),这些冤...

  • 我国部分地区将开展房地产税改革试点工作

    21-10-26 第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议决定:授权国务院在部分地区开展房地产税改革试点工作。 The move to pilot property tax reforms aims to advance the property tax legislation and reform in an active and prudent way, guide the rational hous...

  • 英国脱欧对花卉行业的影响

    21-05-14 The skill of arranging flowers comes easily to Morgan, but arranging his companys finances is proving a nightmare. 对摩根来说,打理鲜花很容易,但打理公司的财务却宛如噩梦。 Covid, supply problems from Holland and Brexit have driven up costs. 新冠病毒...

  • 范冰冰税务风波后首次公开露面

    19-04-24 Chinese actress Fan Bingbing has made her first public appearance since news broke of her tax problems last year. 中国女演员范冰冰自去年税务风波之后首次公开露面。 Fan Bingbing has been spotted at a banquet celebrating online video platform iQiyis ni...

  • 梅根的孩子要向美国缴税

    19-04-21 As first-time parents-to-be, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have plenty to worry about already -- but thanks to the US tax system, there could be one more thing keeping Harry and Meghan and their new baby awake at night. 即将初为人父人母的哈里王子和...

  • 李克强强调要要努力激发市场活力

    19-03-28 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang stressed Wednesday that efforts must be made to better energize market entities and solve difficulties related to development and peoples lives. 中国国务院总理李克强周三强调,必须为激励市场主体、解决关系发展与民生的困难做...

  • 个人所得税起征点提高至5000元

    18-08-31 Chinas top legislature passed the amendment to the personal income tax law on Friday, raising minimum threshold for individual income tax from 3,500 to 5,000 yuan per month, or 60,000 yuan per year. 中国最高立法机构周五通过了个人所得税修正案,将个人...

  • 印度对卫生巾不再征消费税

    18-07-27 Sanitary pads are now tax-free in India. 卫生巾在印度免税了。 The Indian government has decided to scrap a controversial 12% tax on the feminine hygiene products, it announced late Saturday, marking a victory for campaigners who have lobbied against...