• 中国将在医护养老领域进行增值税改革

    15-11-24 China is set to replace turnover tax with value-added tax in medical-care and old-age care fields in a bid to boost consumption. 中国将在医疗护理与养老事业领域用增值税取代营业税已刺激消费。 VAT is tax levied on the difference between the cost of pro...

  • double taxation 双重课税

    15-09-09 Chinese mainland and Taiwan on Tuesday signed a new agreement which will avoid double taxation and enhance tax cooperation. 8月25日,中国大陆与台湾签署了避免双重课税及加强税务合作的协议。 双重课税(double taxation),也叫重复课税,是指同一征税主体或...

  • 中国大陆将继续支持台湾商业发展

    15-05-13 The Chinese mainland will continue to support Taiwan businesses by offering more tax reductions, a spokesperson said on Wednesday. 中国国务院一位发言人周三宣布,大陆将通过给予台湾更多的税收减免来帮助台湾商业的发展。 The State Council, or Cabinet, an...

  • 中国将贯彻污染者税收制度

    15-03-22 Chinese authorities have a timetable for implementing a system of taxing polluters, a senior law researcher has revealed. 据一位高级法律研究员透露,为了贯彻落实污染者税收制度,中国当局制定了一个时间表。 The long-awaited tax, which will replace the c...

  • 新加坡将提升高收入阶层的个人所得税

    15-02-25 Singapore will raise the personal income tax rates for its top earners from 2016, with the top marginal rate up 2 percentage points to 22 percent, in order to meet the needs of surging government expenditure. 新加坡将于2016年提高高收入者的个人所得税...

  • Google tax 谷歌税

    15-02-25 UK Treasury chief George Osborne has introduced a new 25% tax on foreign companies profits derived from economic activity in the UK. He singled out tech companies as particular abusers of the system. Though he didn't name names, the British press qu...

  • 法律英语:Tax 税收

    14-10-31 It is the duty of citizens to pay taxes in accordance with the law. 公民有依照法律纳税的义务。 Some state statutes impose special taxes, usually in the form of stamp tax, on sales of stock. 有些州的法规对股票销售征收特种税,通常是以印花税的形式征收...

  • 匈牙利民众抗议政府对互联网征税

    14-10-27 Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Budapest on Sunday to protest the Hungarian government's Internet tax plan. 数千名示威者周日汇聚到布达佩斯抗议匈牙利政府对互联网课税的计划。 Thousands of demonstrators march through the streets of Budapest as t...

  • 匈牙利计划对互联网流量征税

    14-10-23 Hungary plans to levy a new tax on internet usage, in a move that could potentially hit telecom providers and the general public alike. 匈牙利政府计划对互联网使用进行征税,此举可能对电信运营商以及公众造成打击。 A draft of the 2015 budget submitted t...

  • 普拉达两位总裁涉嫌逃税被调查

    14-09-29 Prada's two chief executives are being investigated by Italian authorities for possible tax evasion, the company said. 普拉达的两位首席执行官因可能存在逃税问题目前正在被意大利当局进行调查。 Miuccia Prada and Patrizio Bertelli are being examined over...