• 欧洲航空公司抗议烟尘排放税

    12-03-12 Seven leading European aviation companies have written to political leaders complaining about a recently introduced EU carbon tax. 欧洲七家主要航空公司向领导人致信抱怨烟尘排放税的征收。 The signatories, which include Airbus, British Airways and Virg...

  • Snap up property oversea 海外抢房

    12-01-18 An increasing number of China's rich are snapping up properties overseas in the expectation that domestic inflation will continue to rise after the consumer price index reached a 34-month high in May. 五月份CPI(居民消费价格指数)创下34个月来新高,...

  • 奥巴马演讲 继续减免工资税来确保经济持续增长

    11-12-12 This week, we learned that our economy added another 140,000 private sector jobs in November. Despite some strong headwinds(逆风) this year, Americas economy has now created private sector jobs for the past 21 months in a row almost three million...

  • “占领华尔街”抗议者转战曼哈顿富翁

    11-10-16 Hundreds of protesters, emboldened by the growing national Occupy Wall Street movement, streamed through midtown Manhattan on Tuesday in what they called a Millionaires March. 随着美国占领华尔街抗议活动的日益深入,数百名抗议者本周二涌入曼哈顿中心区...

  • 法国将对含糖可乐征收“肥胖税”

    11-10-15 为了应对日益严重的青少年肥胖问题,法国政府决定向可口可乐等含糖软饮征收肥胖税。据悉,这项新税收政策实行后,将向每罐可口可乐或芬达征收1%的肥胖税,不过,不含糖的健怡可乐不在征税范围内。 France is to impose a 'fat tax' on sugary soft drinks in a bid to...

  • 澳大利亚议会通过烟尘排放税

    11-10-12 Australia's lower house of parliament has narrowly passed a bill for a controversial carbon tax. 澳大利亚议会众议院勉强通过一项颇具争议的烟尘排放税。 The legislation would force about 500 of the biggest polluters to pay for each tonne of carbon diox...

  • 奥巴马计划向富人征“巴菲特税”

    11-09-25 President Barack Obama, in a populist gesture designed to appeal to voters, will propose a Buffett Tax on people making more than $1 million a year as part of his deficit recommendations to Congress on Monday. 美国总统贝拉克奥巴马将于本周一向国会提...

  • 奥巴马公布赤字削减计划

    11-09-19 President Barack Obama is to unveil plans to cut the US deficit by $3trn (1.9trn) over the next decade. 奥巴马总统将要公布在未来十年内削减3百万亿美元赤字的计划。 A White House official said his proposals included an overhaul of the tax code that wou...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁议会通过《美国工作法案》3

    11-09-11 This approach is basically the one Ive been advocating for months. In addition to the trillion dollars of spending cuts Ive already signed into law, its a balanced plan that would reduce the deficit by making additional spending cuts, by making mode...

  • income distribution 收入分配

    11-09-01 The premier said the country's income distribution system should be perfected so that all 1.3 billion Chinese could enjoy the fruit of the country's reform and opening-up drive. 温总理提到,我国必须改革收入分配制度,以便让全体13亿国民享受到国家改革...