• 洲际酒店集团营业额猛增

    12-08-07 Intercontinental Hotels (IHG), the world's biggest hotelier, has reported a sharp jump in profits, thanks in part to increased sales in China. 世界上最大的旅馆经营公司,洲际酒店集团中国分部营业额猛增。 Pre-tax profit for the three months to the end...

  • 美国国税局已盯上获奖奥运选手

    12-08-04 参加伦敦奥运会的美国选手获得奖牌后尽享风光的同时,美国国税局已经盯上他们了。获得奖牌的选手所交税额是综合奖牌本身市值和获得的奖金总数后计算得出的,税率为35%。 When Olympic medalists return to the United States, they're in high demand. Everyone, from...

  • 法国政府宣布对富人增税

    12-07-21 新组建的法国社会党政府宣布对富人增税后,不少法国富豪开始争相将财产转移至英国和瑞士等富人友好型国家。 Looming(正在逼近的) tax hikes by France's new socialist government have triggered an exodus(大批的离去) of the Gallic super-rich to 'wealth-frie...

  • 日本小泽一郎离开民主党

    12-07-02 Faction leader Ichiro Ozawa has resigned from the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), along with 49 other lawmakers, officials say. 日本派系领导人小泽一郎,连同49位其他立法者,从执政民主党辞职。 Ichiro Ozawa is a former DPJ leader with considera...

  • 日本众议院通过提高营业税法案

    12-06-26 Japan's lower house of parliament has approved Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's controversial plan to double sales tax. 日本议会众议院通过了首相野田佳彦加倍征收营业税的计划。 Japanese broadcaster NHK reported that 57 ruling party lawmakers failed to...

  • 澳某购物网站向IE7用户收服务费

    12-06-16 澳大利亚一家购物网站最近宣布,凡是通过IE7浏览器在该网站购物的用户,都需额外支付交易款项6.8%的服务费。该网站首席执行官表示,他并不指望有用户真的会额外支付这项服务费,只是希望通过这个措施鼓励用户升级到更高级别的浏览器。 The Australian online retailer...

  • 意大利欲征宠物税遭批评

    12-05-26 上周五,意大利当地媒体报道该国议会委员会提议向猫狗等宠物征税,以帮助饱受债务危机困扰的城镇增加收入。这一消息发布后立即受到各界批评,动物权益保护组织称这一做法会让更多动物被遗弃。 A proposal to levy(征收) a tax on cats and dogs that stunned Italy o...

  • Mooncake tax 月饼税

    12-05-14 Mooncake tax became a buzz phrase on the Internet after the Beijing newspaper the Mirror Evening News reported on the ramifications of the tax changes on Friday. 自从上周五北京《法制晚报》报道这项税收政策新变化后,月饼税立即成了网上热议的一个词。 所...

  • 奥巴马演讲 通过巴菲特条例确保人人公平分担纳税义务

    12-04-07 Over the last few months, I've been talking about a choice we face as a country. We can either settle for an economy where a few people do really well and everyone else struggles to get by, or we can build an economy where hard work pays off again w...

  • 印度将重审黄金税

    12-03-28 The Indian government has said it will review a new tax on unbranded gold jewellery. 印度政府称将重新考虑向无品牌黄金首饰征收新税的决定。 Shops have been closed in some parts of India since the levy was announced in the federal budget on 16 March. H...