• 奥巴马演讲 要求国会延长中产阶级减税政策

    12-12-31 Hi, everybody. I'm here on the factory floor of a business in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, where folks are working around the clock making toys to keep up with the Christmas rush. And I came here because, back in Washington, the clock is ticking on some...

  • 奥巴马对财政悬崖问题持乐观态度

    12-12-29 US President Barack Obama says he is modestly optimistic that a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff is possible. 美国总统奥巴马称,他对避免财政悬崖持谨慎的乐观态度。 Mr Obama said Senate leaders were working to craft a bill that could win approval in bot...

  • pre-heritance 预支遗产

    12-12-18 Pre-heritance refers to financial support given by living parents to their children or grandchildren as an alternative to leaving an inheritance to them after they die. Pre-heritance(预支遗产)指父母健在时将财产拿出来为子孙提供经济支持,而不是将其...

  • 《想爱趁现在》一

    12-12-17 精彩对白 Julian: Good morning, Marley, Marley: Oh, really. Is it? I'm about to get a huge camera stuck up my butt. So I don't know if that qualifies as good. Julian: I just need you to sign this document which states that you understand all the colo...

  • 日本学者提议对帅哥征‘英俊税’

    12-12-14 As part of the end of year windup, Japans Asahi Shimbun newspaper has created a Facebook page where readers can discuss solutions to various issues facing Japan. The current topic of debate is the declining birthrate. 作为年终盘点的一部分,日本《朝...

  • 奥巴马演讲 希望两党合作继续为中产阶级减税

    12-11-18 Hi, everybody. On Tuesday, America went to the polls. And the message you sent was clear: you voted for action, not politics as usual. You elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours. That's why I've invited leaders of both parties to the White House...

  • 奥巴马:富人必须多交税

    12-11-15 US President Obama has reiterated his call for high earners in the US to pay more in taxes, in his first news conference since winning re-election. 美国总统奥巴马连任后的首场记者招待会上,重申了美国高收入者缴更多税的号召。 He called for quick legisl...

  • year-end bonus 年终奖

    12-10-11 Economic professor Ge Changyin became a hit online after micro blogging one more yuan in year-end bonus may cause 1,000 more yuan tax. For example, a bonus of 18,001 yuan would mean paying 1,154 yuan more tax than a bonus of 18,000. 经济学教授葛长银...

  • bonus tax 奖金税

    12-10-03 Economic professor Ge Changyin became a hit online after micro blogging one more yuan in year-end bonus may cause 1,000 more yuan tax. For example, a bonus of 18,001 yuan would mean paying 1,154 yuan more tax than a bonus of 18,000. 经济学教授葛长银...

  • 奥巴马演讲 强调国会尽快对《中产阶级减税延期法案》进行表

    12-08-11 This week, the Senate passed a plan that I proposed a few weeks ago to protect middle class Americans and virtually every small business owner from getting hit with a big tax hike next yeara tax hike of $2,200 for the typical family. Now it comes do...