• 奥巴马讲话 呼吁封堵企业纳税漏洞

    14-08-01 Hi, everybody. Our businesses have now added nearly 10 million new jobs over the past 52 months. The unemployment rate is at its lowest point since September 2008-the fastest one-year drop in nearly 30 years. 401(k)s are growing, fewer homes are und...

  • 委内瑞拉国际机场征收"清洁空气呼吸税"

    14-07-20 呼吸空气也要纳税?你没有听错。据外媒报道,委内瑞拉最大的国际机场近日开始征收20美金的清洁空气呼吸税。征收呼吸税是为了支付新安装的用臭氧净化机场内空气的空调系统的费用。 Passengers flying out of Maiquetia International Airport in the Venezuelan capital...

  • 英国可能推出“糖果税”以控制小儿肥胖

    14-06-25 A sugar tax should be introduced by the UK government to help curb obesity in childhood, a campaign group says. 英国政府可能将推出一项糖果税以帮助控制小儿肥胖问题。 Action on Sugar has produced a seven-point plan to discourage children from consumin...

  • 白马非马

    14-06-10 A person of the state of Song named Er Shuo was noted for his eloquence(口才,雄辩) at his times. On one from the famous She Xia school of the state of Qi could defeat him in his argument that a white horse is not a horse. Nevertheless when he pas...

  • 贝卢斯科尼开始进行社区服务

    14-05-09 Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi arrived at a Catholic care home near Milan on Friday to start a year of community service. 意大利前首相贝卢斯科尼周五现身于米兰附近一家天主教养老院,开始为期一年的社区服务。 Berlusconi glanced at journ...

  • 科罗拉多州两月收取大麻交易税200万

    14-03-11 The US state of Colorado collected $2m in taxes from newly legalised recreational marijuana businesses in January. 美国科罗拉多州自今年一月份大麻交易合法化之后共收取税金200万美元。 Colorado became the first US state to legalize the commercial sale o...

  • 法国将对高收入者提高税率75%

    13-12-30 France's highest court has approved a 75% tax on high earners that is one of President Francois Hollande's signature policies. 法国最高法院通过了一项由总统奥朗德签署的政策,该政策规定对高收入者提高税率75%。 The initial proposal to tax individual inc...

  • 英政府将加强监督不支付最低工资的雇主

    13-12-02 The government will toughen enforcement against employers who do not pay the national minimum wage today when it writes to hundreds of companies warning them they could be targeted for on-the-spot checks by the taxman. 英国政府表示将加强执法打击不支...

  • the Group of Eight 八国集团

    13-10-15 British Prime Minister David Cameron made clear that his key priorities for the two-day summit are economic issues, including a planned EU-US free trade deal and measures to crack down on tax havens. 英国首相卡梅伦明确表示,他在为期两天的八国集团领...

  • 澳大利亚新任总理托尼·艾伯特上台

    13-09-18 Tony Abbott has been sworn in as Australia's prime minister, days after his Liberal-National coalition ended six years of Labor government. 托尼艾伯特宣誓就职澳大利亚新任总理,几天前他所在的自由党-国家党联盟结束了工党政府六年的统治。 Mr Abbott, 55,...