• 12306图片验证码成智力挑战

    15-12-10 Train users in China are complaining about the online booking system, saying the newly-updated image Captcha system has turned the ticket-buying process into an intellectual challenge. 中国的火车票购买者抱怨道,网上售票系统新升级的图片验证码让购买火...

  • 乌克兰姑娘帮助农民工买火车票

    15-12-10 A beautiful Ukrainian girl living in southwest China's Chengdu city became a hit recently on China's social media. 住在中国成都的一位美丽的乌克兰姑娘近日在中国社交媒体上轰动一时。 She helped some local migrant workers buy train tickets home for the...

  • 2016年底将可以在网上购买汽车票

    15-06-10 China's Ministry of Transport says all bus tickets will be available for purchase online by the end of 2016. 中国交通部称,2016年底所有汽车票将可以在网上购买。 A national online ticketing system is to be set up, through which passengers can book bus...

  • 里约奥运会门票已售120万张

    15-04-09 Olympic organizers say Brazilians have snapped up 1.2 million tickets for next year's Games in Rio, just a week after tickets went on sale. 奥运会主办方宣布,明年里约奥运会门票开售一周以来,巴西人已抢购了120万张门票。 People across the country have...

  • 印尼将严厉打击廉价机票 确保航空安全

    15-01-14 Indonesia has cracked down on the sale of cheap tickets for domestic flights to ensure that airlines do not cut corners on safety, the transport ministry said on Thursday. 印度尼西亚交通部8号表示,印尼严厉打击国内航班销售廉价机票,确保航空公司不会在...

  • full-price tickets 全价机票

    14-11-28 The new regulation, to be enacted on June 1, states that government personnel traveling on official business must choose low-price tickets whenever possible. Full-price tickets are in principle banned, which means that if there are no special circum...

  • 《邻居大战》夺得美国票房冠军

    14-05-16 Seth Rogen and Zac Efron's comedy film Neighbors has unseated Spider-Man at the top of the US box office. 由赛斯罗根和扎克埃夫隆主演的喜剧电影《邻居大战》强势登顶挤下《超凡蜘蛛侠2》夺得美国票房冠军。 The film, which is being released as Bad Neighbou...

  • 挪威教授建议机票按体重定价

    13-03-29 挪威松恩-菲尤拉讷大学学院的一位教授建议,航空公司应该按乘客体重制定不同的票价等级,越胖的人支付的票价也应越高,因为胖人乘机飞行时消耗的燃油更多。 A pay-what-you-weigh airline pricing scheme should be introduced because heavier people cost more in fu...

  • 《源代码》四

    12-08-24 影片对白 Captain Stevens: How's everything today? Conductor: It's good. Captain Stevens: Anything out of the ordinary? Conductor: Uhmm no. Captain Stevens: I mean behavior on the train. Is anything... anybody seems strange to you? Conductor: You loo...

  • 美国小镇将向走路发短信者罚款

    12-05-18 美国新泽西州的利堡小镇警方近期宣布,凡在该地区发现边走路边发短信的行人,将一律罚款85美元。 Avid(渴望的,贪婪的) texters beware: Fort Lee, N.J. police said they will begin issuing $85 jaywalking(走路不遵守交通规则) tickets to pedestrians(行人)...