日期:2011-11-23 The French Film Panorama is coming back to China in April with an extended program and the largest ever artist delegation. 法国电影展映将于四月份再度在中国举行,此次影展还会有其它形式的表演项目,到访的艺术家代表团也是有史以来规模最大的。 在上面的报... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-11-23 Online funerals or burials would not retain the ashes, but set up an online cemetery and memorialize the deceased by posting an obituary and funeral messages. 网上葬礼不会保留骨灰,而是建立一个网上墓地,通过发布讣闻和悼念信息来纪念死者。 在上面的报... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-11-08 Year-zero face is a term for the ageless visage created with fillers, Botox, chemical peels, and the like. Year-zero face(岁月无痕脸)指通过填充剂、肉毒杆菌、化学换肤等方式打造出来的让人看不出实际年龄的完美面容。 Though traditionally cosmetic surge... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-11-08 One investor's struggle to characterize the US stock market's recent twists and turns led to new market terminology: wolf market . 一位投资人用了一个新鲜词汇狼市来形容美国股市近期曲折迂回的走势。 The wolf market is characterized by a tight trading r... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-11-08 In many western cities, the subway is called the Metro. Many people go to work by taking a bus to the nearest Metro station. After they get off from the Metro, they walk a few blocks before arriving at their final destination, thus the sequence: Bus... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-11-08 The big bucks Chinese spend overseas every year reaches staggering numbers. Last year reportedly 56% of Chinese purchases of luxury goods occur abroad, totaling 13 billion USD. British Media coined a new word Peking Pound for Chinese huge purchasing... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-10-26 Man candy is a man who is superficially attractive to look at or a man who has an attractive appearance but who may be vapid and lack substance. Man candy(草包美男)指外表很吸引人的男子;或者徒有迷人外表,但其实很无趣又没有内涵的男子。 For example:... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-10-26 For many of us below a certain age, use of the web is routine, and our children have only ever known a world where going online is an accepted norm of everyday life. However the fact remains that there is still a significant part of the population w... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-10-26 Degifting is a mutual agreement to suspend holiday gifts, usually within a single family or circle of friends. Degifting指在家庭范围或朋友圈内约定过节期间不用互赠礼物,简称过节免礼。 Degifting can also refer to the act of replacing useless and point... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-10-11 China plans to increase its defense budget by 7.5 percent in 2010, only about half of last year's planned growth of 14.9 percent, a parliament spokesman said here on Thursday. 全国人大发言人(李肇星)本周四称,中国2010年国防预算的增幅计划为7.5%,增... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-10-11 He vowed that the CPPCC would give its full attention to factors affecting social stability that have their source in the excessive income gap , and offer solutions and suggestions on adjusting the pattern of national income distribution. 他(贾庆林... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-10-11 The National Development and Reform Commission has confirmed the government will take concrete actions to develop a low-carbon economy after it pledged to substantially reduce carbon intensity at last year's Copenhagen Conference. 国家发展与改革委员... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-10-11 高房价住房难受到社会关注,也牵动温家宝总理的心。2月27日与网民在线交流时,温家宝坦言,自己也知道所谓蜗居的滋味。 蜗居,即居住在狭小的空间,作名词用时则指狭小的居住空间。这个词在由小说改编的同名电视剧横扫2009年电视荧屏的同时也一夜窜红,变得人尽皆知。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-28 Woot is an interjection similar to YAYE! or Woohoo! used to express joy or excitement, usually about some kind of accomplishment. Primarily used by gamers, spreading rapidly to anyone who chats online. Woot是跟耶!或噢吼!等感叹词类似一个词,多用来... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-28 Nevertiree refers to someone who continues to work beyond the age when people usually retire. The term nevertiree is formed from a blend of never and retiree. Nevertiree(永不退休的人)指过了常规的退休年龄仍然继续工作的人。Nevertiree这个词是由never... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-28 Domestic goddess refers to a female who excels at baking, cooking, cleaning-housework of all sorts. She loves to please and enjoys hearing compliments about her awesomeness around the house/kitchen. She may sew, knit, and have domestic hobbies that... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-28 Bucket list refers to a list of activities and achievements that a person hopes to accomplish in his or her lifetime. This phrase comes from the idiom to kick the bucket, meaning to die, which has been in the language since at least 1785. Bucket lis... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-28 The phrase TV stoned is used to describe a person who is completely deaf and blind to everything but his favorite show on television. TV stoned这个短语常用来形容某人完全专注于他喜欢的电视节目,对周围的一切视若无睹的状态。也就是我们常说的某人钻到电视... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-28 Cyber hoarding means an individual has an excessive amount of pointless word documents, pictures, etc. saved on his/her computer that s/he will never look at. 网络囤积指一个人在自己电脑上存了大量毫无价值的文档和图片等文件,而他根本都不会去看一眼。 F... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-21 Appiphilia refers to the love of applications for smart phones. The exotic ailment is marked by a creeping lack of self-control when downloading mobile applications. App痴迷症指的是对智能手机应用程序(简称app)的那种热爱之情。这种奇异的病症最明显的... 阅读全文>>

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