日期:2009-03-13 全世界大约有15%的人会梦游,其中大部分人从儿童时期就开始梦游了。可能导致梦游的原因有很多,比如压力、劳累、酗酒、滥用药物,或者其他一些健康问题。不过,最近也有研究显示梦游可能是由基因紊乱引起的。 Sleepwalking occurs in approximately 15% of the populat... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-03-12 关于太阳黑子的传说有很多,每一种都表示了人类对未知的事情的揣测和恐惧。而实际上,黑子不过是太阳的一种活动而已。在太阳的光球层上,有一些旋涡状的气流,像是一个浅盘,中间下凹,看起来是黑色的,这些旋涡状气流就是太阳黑子。 Astronomers are still learning a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-03-12 咖啡通常都不被看作一种健康饮料,但是近来一些研究表明咖啡可能是一种十分有益的饮料。研究人员已经在找到可靠的证据证实,咖啡可以降低许多严重疾病的患病风险,其中包括了糖尿?⑿脑嗖『透斡不??Coffee is not usually thought of as health food, but a number o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-03-11 我们熟悉的乳白色来自于牛奶。那么牛奶为什么会是白色的呢?这主要是因为牛奶中的蛋白质干酪素。 Those chalky-white mustaches that color our lips after chuggingdown a refreshing ice-cold glass of creamy milk is caused by the protein called Casein. Rich in... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-03-09 我们常说肚子饿得咕咕叫,而且叫起来还很响呢!那肚子为什么会叫呢?我们又怎么会知道自己饿了呢?虽然看上去不过是最自然的生理反应,其中却大有文章。就让下面这篇小短文来告诉你吧! Well, Mexican food could do it, but doctors call it borborygmi, which sounds... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-03-09 人们常说猫有九命,果真如此吗?一只猫从很高的楼上掉下来,多半都能安然无恙,让你不得不相信它真的有那么多命。那么,事实果真如此吗?让我们一起来探索一下吧! Some people believe in the superstition that cats have nine lives, because cats can survive fall... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-03-09 家里的报纸放久了,总是会变成黄色。有些书放久了,也会变成黄色。是因为纸老化了吗?下面这篇文章可以给你一点启示。 Paper is made from wood, which is made up mainly of whitecellulose. Wood also has a lot of a dark substance in it calledlignin, which ends... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-03-09 蝙蝠为什么总是倒挂着休息?它们那么吊着不累吗?它们这个姿势起飞容易吗?这种会飞的哺乳动物总是有很多让人捉摸不透的地方。下面这篇小文章将试着为你解答这些问题。 During the day, bats hardly move at all. Instead, they pass the time hanging upside down fro... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-03-01 Men's testosterone levels could be harmed by stress caused by the global economic downturn, according to a British doctor. Chronic stress caused by redundancy, financial worries or working longer hours could make levels of the hormone drop, says Ric... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-03-01 Anger and other strong emotions can trigger potentially deadly heart rhythms in certain vulnerable people, US researchers said on Monday. Previous studies have shown that earthquakes, war or even the loss of a World Cup Soccer match can increase rat... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-03-01 瑞典研究人员于本周三表示,从小体重超标但未达到肥胖标准的人早亡的几率要比体重正常的人高出三成,这一几率跟每天抽10根烟的人早亡率差不多;而18岁时已确诊为肥胖的人早亡的几率则要比前者高出一倍多,他们面临的早亡危险跟体重正常的长期烟民一样。研究人员还发现... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-02-24 A panel of scientists examined the mystery of what happens when hearts throb and lips lock. Kissing, it turns out, unleashes chemicals that ease stress hormones in both sexes and encourage bonding in men, though not so much in women. Chemistry look... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-02-24 在虔诚的印度教徒心目中,牛是一种神圣的动物,它全身上下都是宝。印度一个文化团体近日利用牛尿研发出一种被称为牛饮的可乐类饮料,他们希望这种健康饮料超越百事可乐和可口可乐,热销全球。印度重要文化团体民族卫队正在其位于印度圣城哈里瓦的总部研制牛饮。该团队... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-02-17 Babies who use many gestures to communicate when they are 14 months-old have much larger vocabularies when they start school than those who don't, US researchers said on Thursday. They said babies with wealthier, better-educated parents tend to gest... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-02-13 The popular belief that pregnancy addles women's brains is a myth, a comprehensive study suggests. Mothers claim to have suffered 'baby brain' or 'preg head', characterised by lapses in memory or logical thinking. But researchers who tracked 2,500 w... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-02-11 狗是人类最好的朋友,千百年来,他们和人类相依相存。狗鼻子的灵敏度比人类高上一千倍,不幸的是,狗却分辨不出颜色。这是为什么呢?就让下面这篇文章来告诉你吧。 Man's best friend is colorblind, but, fortunately, his survival does not depend upon the ability t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-02-10 This image from the U.S.-French Jason oceanographic satellite released by NASA April 21, 2008 depicts one of the strongest La Ninas in many years as it is slowly weakening but continues to blanket the Pacific Ocean near the equator. The La Nina weat... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-02-10 Holding back the years: Madonna can expect her recent divorce from Guy Ritchie to add two years to her appearance If you've been through it, this will probably come as no surprise. Divorce can add years to a person's face, it is claimed. Researchers... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-02-10 Mothers can pass along their experiences to their children without even trying, researchers reported in a surprising study on Tuesday that showed baby mice could inherit the benefits of education that their mothers received before they became pregna... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-02-08 我们每个人都有这样的体会,当想打喷嚏的时候,好像突然来了一股不可抗拒的力量,想控制是困难的。打完喷嚏后,接着会出现瞬间的轻快感。那么,我们到底为什么会打喷嚏呢?下面这篇文章将告诉您答案。 Sneezing usually occurs when the nerve endings of the mucous m... 阅读全文>> |