日期:2012-04-27 A judge in the Netherlands is due to decide whether foreign tourists should be banned from entering cannabis cafes. 荷兰一位法官正在裁决是否禁止外国游客进入咖啡馆。 While soft drugs are tolerated, there is growing concern at tourists visiting just f... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-23 Wildlife rangers have shot dead five suspected ivory poachers during a gun battle in western Kenya. 野生动物保护巡逻人员在肯尼亚西部与象牙偷猎嫌疑犯发生枪战,五名疑犯被击毙。 Kenya says there has been an increase in poaching in recent years Two rang... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-21 Chicago native Ellie Lavi could not have been happier when she gave birth to beautiful twin girls overseas. 当美国芝加哥人艾丽拉维在国外生下漂亮的双胞胎女儿时,她心里别提多高兴了。 Ellie Lavi, an American-Israeli, plays with her daughters, Maya, lef... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-21 Companies should hire a hoodie to tackle the UK's jobs crisis as surly young men can be turned into excited and motivated young employees, the Employment Minister has said. 英国就业部长近日敦促各家公司雇佣年轻小混混,以应对英国的就业危机,因为乖戾的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-21 Defense chiefs are embarrassed over a sex scandal involving Secret Service agents and military service members as it distracted from President Barack Obama's visit to Colombia, the US military's top officer said. 美军高级官员称,国防部领导人对奥巴马... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-21 A man who stayed a virgin until the age 34 has become a father of 82 in the space of just nine years and he has another ten children on the way. 荷兰一位男子在34岁之前一直保持着处子之身,但在其后的九年内已经育有82名子女,另外还有10个尚未降生。 Dutch... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-21 Google is advertising for a new Doodler to create the special designs that celebrate historic figures and events on its home page. 谷歌目前正登广告招募一位新的涂鸦手为其创作设计主页上纪念历史人物和事件的特别图案。 The job calls for a sense of humor,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-21 Nicolas Sarkozy was declared the most unpopular president in French history in a damning poll on Sunday ahead of the first round of the presidential elections next week, as the two leading candidates vied to rally voters in mass, open-air speeches i... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-19 Mexican police say they have seized more than 250,000 bullets that were being smuggled into the country from the US. 墨西哥警方称,他们缴获了25万多发从美国走私入境的子弹。 Mexico wants the US to restrict the flow of weapons and ammunition across the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-19 The funeral of Italian footballer Piermario Morosini is to be held in his hometown of Bergamo. 意大利球星马里奥莫罗西尼的葬礼将在他的故乡贝加莫举办。 Piermario died in the 31st minute of Livorno\s Serie B game at Pescara. The 25-year-old Livorno pla... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-18 The chiefs of Apple and Samsung have agreed to meet in a bid to resolve a patent case between the two in a California court. 苹果、三星双方主管同意就解决双方之间的专利纠纷在加利福尼亚州一家法院进行会谈。 This was after a US judge ordered the firms t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-18 Billionaire investor Warren Buffett has said in a letter to shareholders that he has been diagnosed with stage one prostate cancer. 亿万富翁投资者沃伦巴菲特在致股东的一封信中称他已被确诊患上一期前列腺癌。 The Berkshire Hathaway boss said the cancer,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-18 Mexico has raised the alert level around the huge Popocatepetl volcano, after it began spewing ash and steam. 墨西哥波波卡特佩特火山开始喷出灰尘与蒸汽,政府提高了周边地区的警戒程度。 Tens of thousands of people live in the shadow of the volcano Seve... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-18 A former London DIY store cashier who became governor of an oil-rich Nigerian state has been jailed for 13 years for fraud totalling nearly $77m. 伦敦DIY商店一名前出纳员后来成为尼日利亚石油资源丰富的某州州长,因将近7700万美元的欺诈案被判13年监禁。 J... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-15 Tornadoes have hit a large swathe of the US Midwest, with forecasters warning of further severe weather. 龙卷风袭击了美国中西部大片地区,更恶劣的天气即将来临。 Storms were reported in Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Oklahoma, but no injuries have been re... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-14 It is commonly thought that age brings wisdom. 大众普遍认为年龄增长会带来更多智慧。 And this is largely true, it seems unless you are Japanese. In which case, by the time you are 25, you are likely to be just as wise as your elders, an astonishing n... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-14 Careercast.com is out with its list of best and worst jobs of 2012. Its bad news for the writer of this story, but much brighter for the folks who program the code that keeps this website humming. 日前,美国招聘网站Careercast.com公布全美最佳和最差工... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-14 It's been so warm in the United States this year, especially in March, that national records weren't just broken, they were deep-fried. 美国今年天气十分暖和,特别是三月以来,温度居高不下。这不仅是破纪录的高温,而且热度灼人。 Temperatures in the lowe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-14 It's been so warm in the United States this year, especially in March, that national records weren't just broken, they were deep-fried. 美国今年天气十分暖和,特别是三月以来,温度居高不下。这不仅是破纪录的高温,而且热度灼人。 Temperatures in the lowe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-14 Celebrities whose marriages appear on the front page of a magazine are more than twice as likely to get divorced, according to a study. 研究发现,婚礼照片被登上杂志封面的名人离婚的几率要比其他名人高出两倍以上。 One in six couples (16 percent) whose... 阅读全文>>

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