日期:2012-05-14 A Japanese diplomat posted in California has been charged with domestic violence against his wife and could face up to 20 years in jail, the local district attorney said Tuesday. 美国地方检察官周二称,一位驻加利福尼亚州的日本外交官被控对妻子实施家庭... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-14 They are among the most academically gifted in the country and are destined for glittering futures. 剑桥大学的学生堪称天之骄子,注定前程大好。 However, the police and paramedics(护理人员) were forced to intervene following the stupidity or misguid... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-14 When a 14-year-old boy from Atlanta, Georgia disappeared earlier this year, his mother turned to her smartphone for clues using an app called Family Tracker that helped track his location. 一个来自美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市的14岁男孩今年早些时候失踪了,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-14 From a former supermodel with a reputation for partying with rock stars to a twice-divorced mother the French vote for president will see more than just economic policies change. 奥朗德当选法国总统后,法国第一夫人即将从和摇滚明星聚会的前超模布吕尼,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-14 The recession has led to a boost in the sales of sex toys as more and more couples opt for indoor fun with three-quarters of women in Britain now owning one. 经济衰退让越来越多的夫妇选择室内娱乐活动,致使性玩具的销量大增,如今英国四分之三的女性都拥... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-13 Wealthy travellers can pay 1,800 to jump long immigration queues at Heathrow airport. 希思罗机场的后门服务近日引起争议。只要花上1800英镑,富有的乘客就可以不用排队,直接接受入境服务。 Limo service: A video on Heathrow\s website shows the VIP treatmen... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-13 如何才能在母亲节花对钱、买对礼物呢?吸尘器、性玩具、两元店买的厨房清洁用具、古巴雪茄以及复活节没吃完的糖果,甚至电锯等都在不受欢迎之列。妈妈们普遍表示,她们更愿意收到家人亲手制作的礼物;如果是商场购买的礼物,她们也不希望家人买礼物时要求自己在场自己... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-13 美国内华达州机动车管理部门近日向谷歌颁发了首个自动驾驶汽车牌照,以进一步检验此类车辆在实际道路驾驶中的性能。 Department of Motor Vehicles officials said Monday they\ve issued Google the nation's first license to test self-driving cars on public stre... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-13 法国总统选举宣告结束,弗朗索瓦奥朗德赢得胜利。奥朗德同居女友、《巴黎竞赛》杂志记者瓦莱丽特里维勒表示在男友当选后不会放弃自己的工作,而且她也不想被国家供养。如果真是这样,特里维勒将有可能成为法国首位拥有一份正常工作和薪水的第一夫人。 Valrie Trierweil... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-11 Barack Obama has been both praised and criticised a day after he became the first sitting US president to publicly support gay marriage. 奥巴马成为美国首位在位的公开支持同性恋婚姻的总统,为此他同时遭到了赞扬与批评。 Social conservatives and religiou... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-11 Celebrated combat photographer Horst Faas, who covered the Vietnam War for the Associated Press, has died aged 79, his daughter says. 为美联社报道越南战争的著名战地摄影师霍斯特法斯逝世,享年79岁。 Faas spent eight years in Vietnam at the height of t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-11 The Argentine Senate has approved a dignified death law to give the terminally ill and their families more say in end-of-life decisions. 阿根廷参议院通过一项有尊严地死法案,给予病入膏肓的人和他们的家属关于终结生命方式更多的发言权。 The legislation m... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-11 A panel of US health experts has for the first time backed a drug to prevent HIV infection in healthy people. 一组美国健康专家首次支持健康人服用某种药物来预防艾滋病感染。 The panel recommended US regulators approve the daily pill, Truvada, for use b... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-10 US President Barack Obama has ended months of hedging on the issue of gay marriage by saying he thinks same-sex couples should be able to wed. 美国总统奥巴马对近期热议的同性恋婚姻表达了自己的态度,他认为同性恋情侣应该能够成婚。 He has become the fir... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-09 Portugal has taken austerity measures to a new level with the decision to scrap four of its 14 public holidays. 葡萄牙采取了新的紧缩措施,将14天公众假期砍去四天。 Two religious festivals and two other public holidays will be suspended for five years... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-09 Protests by some Air India pilots have entered their second day with more international flights cancelled from Delhi and Mumbai, reports say. 印度航空一些飞行员的抗议活动已持续第二天,更多从德里和孟买起飞的国际航班被迫取消。 An Air India spokesman s... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-09 Initial results show North Carolina has approved a constitutional amendment effectively banning same-sex marriage or civil unions. 初步点票结果显示,北卡罗来纳州已经通过一项宪法修正案以禁止同性恋婚姻或联合会。 The issue raised voter turnout on an ot... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-08 A senior police officer in the restive south-western Pakistani province of Balochistan has been shot dead by unidentified gunmen, officials say. 巴基斯坦一位高级警官在西南部动乱省份俾路支省被一名不明身份枪手射杀。 Shahnawaz Khan was gunned down outs... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-08 The West African state of Niger is the worst place in the world to be a mother, according to Save the Children. 救助儿童会宣布,西非尼日尔是世界上最差的做母亲的地区。 The ranking comes in the charity's annual index which compares conditions for moth... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-05 A selection from more than 6,000 pages of documents seized during the May 1, 2011, raid that killed Osama bin Laden was released on Thursday by West Point's Combating Terrorism Center (CTC), giving the public a rare glimpse of the al-Qaida leader's... 阅读全文>>

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