• 面对捕食者 昆虫产生巨大的压力

    11-10-28 The mere presence of a predator causes enough stress to kill a dragonfly, even when the predator cannot actually get at its prey to eat it, say biologists at the University of Toronto. How prey respond to the fear of being eaten is an important topi...

  • 英国人喜欢独自进餐

    11-09-30 One in three of us eat more meals by ourselves than we do with other people, a new study revealed today. 今日发布的一项新研究揭露,1/3的英国人自己一个人吃饭的次数比和别人一起吃饭的次数更多。 But before you digest that somewhat depressing statistic,...

  • 研究确使熏鲑鱼可安全食用

    10-10-27 Scientists with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are helping ensure that the smoked salmon(熏鲑鱼) that's always a hit at festive gatherings also is always safe to eat, including among their achievements the development of a first-of-its-...

  • 为什么减肥餐不对所有人都有效?

    10-07-29 Ever notice some people seem to eat anything they want and never gain a pound, while others seem to gain weight just by looking at fattening foods? You may be seeing things correctly after all. According to research published in the July 2010 issue...

  • 某些人对盐的口感与大众相异

    10-06-17 Low-salt foods may be harder for some people to like than others, according to a study by a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences food scientist. The research indicates that genetics influence some of the difference in the levels of salt we li...

  • The Hare Who wouln't be a King

    10-05-26 Nothing stirred on the African plains. The sun glared down(猛烈照射) and Hare crept inside the cool hollow of a baobab(猴面包树) tree for his afternoon nap. Suddenly he was wide awake. There was a boom, boom, booming in his ears. And it was gett...

  • 一男子因吃食稀有老虎获刑

    09-12-23 A Chinese man has been jailed for 12 years for killing and eating a rare Indochinese tiger. 一名中国男子因杀死并吃掉一只稀有的印度支那虎而被判处12年有期徒刑。 Fewer than 1,800 Indochinese tigers are thought to be living in the wild Kang Wannian, a v...

  • Happy ravioli

    09-09-30 Sometimes when people make ravioli or manti (Asian dish) they put some thing (both eatable and not) in one of the ravioli or manti. Its considered that who eats this special one is a happy person. My love story is tightly connected with this queer t...

  • Getting something to eat

    09-09-30 When you are in the U.S., you will find restaurants for every situation. If you're in a hurry, you may just want to grab some junk food at a grocery store or a candy counter or you can get a bite to eat at one of the many fast food chains, like McDo...

  • 'Feather-eating bugs' dull birds “以羽毛为食的病菌”使鸟颜

    09-08-04 Brightly coloured birds can become infected with bacteria that eat their feathers. 颜色鲜艳的鸟类可能感染吃它们羽毛的细菌。 Eastern bluebirds can lose their brilliance That in turn can affect the health of the birds and dull their plumage(鸟类羽毛...