• 像水母一样飞行的机器

    13-11-25 Up, up in the sky: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a . . . jellyfish? That's what researchers have built -- a small vehicle whose flying motion resembles(相似) the movements of those boneless, pulsating(脉动的) , water-dwelling creatures. The wo...

  • 日本航空两架波音787客机出现小故障

    13-10-10 Japan Airlines (JAL) has said it has turned around two of its Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft during flights due to technical problems. 日本航空公司称,两架波音787客机在飞行途中因技术问题临时转向。 The Dreamliner has been hit by a spate of technical...

  • 波音将一架退役F16改造为无人机

    13-09-25 Boeing has revealed that it has retrofitted retired fighter jets to turn them into drones. 波音公司透露,该公司将一架退役F16战机翻新改造为无人机。 The pilotless jet flew over the Gulf of Mexico on the test carried out on 19 September It said that on...

  • 印度某航空公司只招女空乘 为省燃油

    13-07-05 为了节省燃油费用等运营成本,印度廉价航空公司GoAir决定从现在起只招聘女性空乘人员,因为女性平均比男性轻15到20公斤,而飞机上的重量每增加一公斤,每飞行小时的成本就增加3卢比。 An Indian low-cost airline is to only hire female flight attendants to save mo...

  • We will see what happens

    13-06-07 A few years ago, my younger sister and I were the first ones down the tunnel to board our flight for Norfolk, Virginia. Just as we were about to board the plane, a mechanic emerged from inside the aircraft and blocked the door with his arms. He turn...

  • 日本重启787梦幻客机商业服务

    13-05-27 Japan's All Nippon Airways has resumed commercial flights of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. 日本全日空航空公司重新启动所有波音787梦幻客机的商业飞行。 The first flight landed at Tokyo's Haneda airport on Sunday evening, local time, after a short flight f...

  • 周末机票价格比平时便宜5%

    13-02-25 One economist has good news for bargain hunters: According to his data, you don't have to sacrifice a good night's sleep in order to get a cheap airplane ticket. That's because tickets purchased on weekends are actually about 5 percent cheaper than...

  • 恐龙在鸟类飞行进化史中的作用

    12-11-23 A new study looking at the structure of feathers in bird-like dinosaurs has shed light on one of nature's most remarkable inventions -- how flight might have evolved. Academics at the Universities of Bristol, Yale and Calgary have shown that prehist...

  • 美国公司将推出小型商业航天飞机

    12-10-27 A California-based flight firm says its jet can take you from the Big Apple to the Orient in half the amount of time it would take to watch Titanic. 位于加州的XCOR宇航公司表示,他们研发的最新小型航天飞机从纽约到东京只需90分钟,仅相当于观看《泰坦尼克...

  • 俄航空客机收到炸弹威胁迫降

    12-08-16 A Russian Aeroflot flight from New York to Moscow has made an emergency landing in Iceland after a bomb threat. 俄罗斯航空公司一架从纽约飞往莫斯科的航班因收到炸弹威胁而紧急降落在冰岛。 The Interfax news agency quoted air traffic controllers in Mosco...