• 美国古巴直飞航班已开始运行

    16-09-01 The first regular direct commercial flight form the United States has arrived in the central Cuban city of Santa Clara. 第一架从美国直飞古巴的商业航班已经抵达古巴中部城市圣克拉拉。 The landing of the JetBlue flight is being viewed as an important ne...

  • 全球最大飞行器开始首飞

    16-08-27 The maiden flight of the worlds longest aircraft has begun - after a previous attempt was abandoned at the last minute. 经历被迫临时取消预定的试飞计划之后,全球最大飞行器终于开始了它的首飞秀。 The Airlander 10 - which is part plane and part airship...

  • 中国首架国产远程无人机试飞成功

    16-05-19 Chinas first homemade long-range unmanned aerial vehicle for emergency material transport has made its maiden flight successfully in the Xixian New Area of north Chinas Shaanxi province. 中国首架国产应急物资远程运输无人机在陕西西咸新区成功进行初次飞...

  • 埃及航空:失联的空客320已坠落海洋

    16-05-19 Officials from EgyptAir say an Airbus 320 plane has been believed to have crashed into sea. 埃及航空公司的官员表示,失联的空客320客机已坠落海洋。 The EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo disappeared from radar early Thursday. The plane was carrying 5...

  • 海南航空开通以色列直飞航班

    16-04-29 Chinas Hainan Airlines has launched its first Beijing-Tel Aviv direct flight. 中国海南航空开通北京至特拉维夫市的直飞航班。 Its currently the only Chinese airline to fly directly between China and Israel, and is expected to cash in on the increasing...

  • 埃及航空班机上有乘客跟劫持者合影留念

    16-04-04 A passenger from the hijacked EgyptAir flight who had the cheek to take a photograph with his captor is a 26-year-old British man from Leeds. 被劫持的埃及航空班机上,竟有一位乘客跟劫持者合影留念,让人大跌眼镜。这位乘客是一名26岁的英国人,家住利兹。...

  • 春秋航空将开通武汉-东京直飞航班

    16-01-06 A direct flight between Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, and Tokyo will be launched this February, according to an announcement by the Japan subsidiary of Spring Airlines on Tuesday. 春秋航空公司周二宣布,中国湖北省会武汉直达日本东...

  • 中国国际航空开通哈瓦那直飞航班

    15-12-28 Air China has announced the opening of the first direct flight from Beijing to Cuba's capital Havana. 中国国际航空公司宣布开通从北京到古巴首都哈瓦那的直飞航班。 The flight shortens the travelling time between the two cities from 20 hours to 16. He Z...

  • 空姐帮忙进食引老人落泪

    15-12-11 An inspirational act was spotted on an airplane, when a young stewardess fed a senior man who was having trouble holding a spoon. 某航班内出现温暖人心的一幕:一位年轻的空姐帮助抓不住汤匙的老人进食。 The flight departed from Zhengzhou, capital of Hen...

  • 英国机场被没收的奇怪物品

    15-10-23 A recent survey of more than 2,000 Britons has revealed the top five strangest items confiscated at the airport and they include handcuffs and even live animals. 最近,一项对超过2000位英国人的调查,列出了在机场被没收的最奇怪物品的前五名,其中包括手...