• 黑匣子如何工作?

    14-04-19 A possible break in the mystery of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 plane came when ships detected pings consistent with the aircraft's black box. But how does a black box actually work? 据报道,搜寻船只探测到疑似客机黑匣子的脉冲信号,这是失...

  • 多名美国议员抨击马来政府搜救不力

    14-03-31 Several U.S. lawmakers on Sunday panned the Malaysian government's role in the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, accusing the Malaysians of withholding information and bungling the crucial early days of the search. 多名美国议员23日抨击了马来...

  • 澳大利亚将倾尽全力搜寻MH370客机

    14-03-26 Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says authorities are throwing everything we have at the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. 澳大利亚总理托尼阿博特称 ,当局正倾其所有来搜寻失联的马航MH370客机。 He was speaking as weather conditio...

  • 马航失联客机可能被手机劫持

    14-03-21 As the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 continues, investigators have come across some startling evidence that the plane could have been hijacked using a mobile phone or even a USB stick. 马航失联客机MH370的搜救工作仍在继续,与...

  • FBI协助寻找马来西亚失联客机

    14-03-20 The FBI is aiding the Malaysian government's search for a Malaysia Airlines jet missing for more than a week. 美国联邦调查局正协助马来西亚政府寻找失联的马来西亚航班。 The US investigators are believed to be helping the Malaysians examine a home flig...

  • 中国扩大失联客机的搜索范围

    14-03-19 China has deployed ships to search new areas for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane. 中国已派遣船只在新区域内搜索失联的马航客机。 China has sent nine ships to waters south-east of the Bay of Bengal and west of Indonesia. Teams from 26 countries are...

  • 马航飞机失联原因难于调查

    14-03-16 Traditionally regarded as one of the safest planes in the skies, the Boeing 777's reputation will have been damaged by the second fatal crash in less than a year. 波音777飞机一直被认为是最安全机型之一,但不到一年时间里发生第二起致命坠毁必然会使其名...

  • 马航失联航班4名乘客身份可疑

    14-03-16 The identities of four passengers aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight are under investigation, the country's transport minister said on Sunday, as the company confirmed that it was fearing the worst. 马来西亚交通部长,马亚西亚航空失联航班上...

  • 马航失联客机或曾折返

    14-03-16 美联社报道,军事雷达记录显示失联的波音777号客机消失前或曾折返。马来西亚空军司令罗德扎利达乌德表示,雷达记录显示马航失联客机在失踪前有折返迹象,这让MH370航班客机失踪前几分钟的情况更加扑朔迷离。 Military radar indicates that the missing Boeing 777 jet...

  • 飞机失联事件词汇

    14-03-14 flight data 飞行数据 voice recorders 语音记录仪 sea search 海上搜索 air search 空中搜索 oil slicks 油迹 transponder 发射机应答器 search and rescue team 搜救队 flight path 航道 signal/radio for help 发出求救信号 no wreckage 未找到残骸 international w...