• 法国一架直升机坠毁 六人死亡

    12-07-26 Six people have died in a helicopter crash in a mountainous area of Provence in southeastern France. 一架直升机在法国东南部普罗旺斯地区坠毁,造成六人死亡。 Police said getting to the crash site had been difficult for rescuers The aircraft came down...

  • 黄莺每年迁移极为准时

    12-07-26 A new study by York University researchers finds that songbirds follow a strict annual schedule when migrating to their breeding grounds -- with some birds departing on precisely the same date each year. The study, published in the journal PLoS ONE,...

  • 暗色王蝶更擅长飞行

    12-07-26 For monarch butterflies, redder wings are correlated with better flight performance, according to research published July 25 in the open access journal PLoS ONE. Previous work has shown that monarch coloring is intended to warn their predators about...

  • 法国航空公布2009年坠机最终调查结果

    12-07-06 A combination of technical failure and human error led to the loss of an Air France flight over the Atlantic in June 2009 and 228 deaths, according to the final report into the crash. 2009年6月法国航空一架客机坠毁在大西洋海域,造成228人死亡。对此次...

  • 爱尔兰火山爆发波及欧洲空气质量

    12-06-13 A modern recurrence of an extraordinary type of volcanic eruption in Iceland could inject large quantities of hazardous(有危险的) gases into North Atlantic and European flight corridors, potentially for months at a time, a new study suggests. Usin...

  • non-stop flight 直飞航线

    12-02-15 Wuhan to have 1st direct int'l air route -- Air China will launch a non-stop flight route linking central China's industrial hub of Wuhan with Tokyo on August 27, the airline said on Wednesday. 武汉即将开通第一条国际直飞航线国航于周三发布消息称,连...

  • 美国最新无人侦察机形状酷似精子

    12-02-04 It's called Argus One; the Pentagon's newest unmanned spy plane. But cheeky observers are already calling it the 'Flying Sperm'. 美国国防部最新研制无人侦察机百眼巨人1号,但一些无礼的观察人士已经给它起了个外号,名为飞行的精子。 Cheeky observers are a...

  • flight delays 航班延误

    12-01-09 China's Air Force, the country's airspace regulator, will introduce measures to ease flight delays of civil planes , an airspace regulation expert has said. 一位空域管制专家表示,作为全国飞行管制的统一组织实施者,空军将出台多种措施,缓解民航航班延误...

  • Moxons Master 3

    11-12-28 'I do not explain them.' 'Because you cannot without affirming what you wish to deny, namely, intelligent co-operation, among the constituent elements of the crystals. When soldiers form lines, or hollow squares, you call it reason. When wild geese...

  • 波音梦幻客机开始处女航

    11-10-26 Boeing's Dreamliner has finally taken off on its maiden commercial voyage, three years later than planned. 拖延三年之后,波音梦幻客机最终起飞,开始了其首次商业航行。 The Dreamliner offers more fuel efficiency through being lighter, says Boeing The A...