• hidden danger 安全隐患

    13-05-09 As Chinese cities have started to resemble their glitzy Western counterparts, with modern designs and skyscrapers wrapped in glass, aesthetic beauty has brought with it this hidden danger . 随着中国城市纷纷开始向闪耀的西方都市看齐,现代设计和玻璃围...

  • Traffic Performance Index 交通指数

    13-05-09 According to the Traffic Performance Index , which measures congestion on a scale of zero (smooth) to 10 (snarled), Beijing hit 8.5 during the evening rush hour on Wednesday and 9.1 on roads within Third Ring Road at 7 pm. 交通指数用0到10的数字来衡...

  • 莫斯科一客机冲出跑道 闯入主干道

    12-12-30 A Russian passenger plane has crashed into a main road after overshooting a runway at a Moscow airport, killing at least four people, police say. 俄罗斯莫斯科某机场一架客机冲出跑道闯入一条主干道,造成至少四人死亡。 Reports said there were between ei...

  • Do I have to draw a map for you?

    12-10-12 As many as 11 million British motorists(开汽车的人) are unable to read a basic road map, according to a survey released Monday. The poll revealed over three quarters of British drivers were unable to identify the motorway map symbol, while only on...

  • 玻利维亚矿工封锁拉巴斯城通路

    12-09-12 Road access to Bolivia's main city, La Paz, has been blocked off by miners demanding that the government hand over part of a tin and zinc mine. 通向玻利维亚主城拉巴斯的道路已经被矿工封锁,他们要求政府交出部分锡、锌矿。 Hundreds of miners and their f...

  • 司机偷瞄行人极易引发交通事故

    12-08-20 Drivers ogling pedestrians cause nearly one million crashes in Britain every year, new figures have shown. Figures show distracted motorists cause an average of 2,525 crashes every day - the equivalent of 921,840 per year. 最新数据显示,英国每年因司...

  • 半途而废

    12-08-09 During the Warring States Period (475-221BC), there was a man called Yue Yangzi in State Yue. One day he saw a piece of gold on the road and picked it up. He took it home and gave it to his wife. But his wife was not happy. The virtuous(善良的) wo...

  • 精确监控城市交通状况

    12-08-08 Cities count the number of cars on the road in order to plan everything from the timing of stoplights to road repairs. But the in-road metal detectors that do the counting can make errors -- most often by registering that a car is present when one i...

  • 南非民众抗议收取道路通行费

    12-03-08 Tens of thousands of South Africans have marched in protest over new tolls on roads in what unions says is the first warning shot to government. 数以万计的南非人举行游行,抗议新的道路通行费,工会称这是对政府的首次警告。 The Cosatu labour federation...

  • Pride and Prejudice - 28

    11-09-22 EVERY object in the next day's journey was new and interesting to Elizabeth; and her spirits were in a state for enjoyment; for she had seen her sister looking so well as to banish(驱逐) all fear for her health, and the prospect of her northern to...