日期:2008-12-16 我们来继续介绍一下职场暴力的表现。对比看看,你正在遭受职场暴力吗? Gossip And Lies 流言蜚语 A covert office bully is more likely to spread destructive gossip and lies about you and your performance, rather than scream at you in front of your co-work... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 要知道自己是不是在遭受职场暴力,就要先来了解一下职场暴力的表现。 Regardless of the legislation or your company's individual policy, workers have to recognize the problem before anything is likely to change. If you're physically ill the night before... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 一说到暴力,你可能就会想到打架、斗殴什么的。职场暴力虽然极少会表现为这种形式,但在精神上的危害可不容小觑。它甚至会影响整个公司。 Chances are if you work with others, youll be bullied at some point in your career. In the US, where the practice is bei... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 刚开始一份新工作没多久,你就感到不开心、郁闷、烦躁。这个时候该怎么办呢?下面这篇文章就来为您出出招。 You just started a new job. It's like a dream come true -- except when it's not. What's a professional to do when she accepts a job that seems like... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 工作中总有一部分让你很讨厌的内容。你不想做,可是不得不做,这使得你的工作积极性下降、效率越来越低、心情越来越烦躁,这种状况其实无异于慢性自杀,因为你所有的情绪都会影响你的健康。下面就教您一些办法,让你能处理好那些讨厌的工作。当然,如果你对工作的全部... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 Choose the right time to start pitching ideas 选择适当的时候发表意见 Morey Stettner To sell your ideas, you need to listen to others first. Just don't listen too much. 想要别人接受你的想法,首先要倾听别人的想法。但也别听得太多。 When you keep listen... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 (3)What strengths do I have that will help my career? 我有的哪些长处有利于我的事业发展? Don't be so focused on looking for your weaknesses that you forget to ask about your strong points. You might think you know what your strengths and weaknesse... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 You probably have a list of questions you'd ask your boss if given the chance. 大概只要一有机会你就有一大串问题要问老板。 You really paid someone for that haircut? 这个发型真的是你花钱请人剪的? Must your lunch always include garlic? 难道每次午餐你... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 在上一篇文章中,我们举出了工作疲倦的几种表现。那么,该如何调整自己、应对这些疲倦状态呢? So You're Burned Out... 如果你出现了精力枯竭 If your situation is illustrated by more 'Burnout' descriptions, it's likely time to start down a new career path o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 It's been a while since you've felt the exhilaration that comes with starting a new job. And you're wondering: Has that professional spark been extinguished or is it flickering faintly, waiting to be reignited? Take this quiz to help you identify if... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 Expert says change of attitude might be best approach 专家说转变态度也许是最好的办法 By Kate Lorenz CareerBuilder.com editor You've got the flawless resume, impeccable credentials and the perfect look -- you are an employer's dream candidate. So why... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 成功是个迷人的字眼,它代表了一个人想获得的一切。人人都在急急忙忙地向成功狂奔,在路上奋力挣扎。可是成功不是那么容易得来的。 Slow down youre doing fine. You cant be everything you want to be before your time. ~Billy Joel. There is too much hype about... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 Tell Me About Yourself 请你谈谈你自己 Don Straits, CEO and Dragon Slayer, Corporate Warriors 面试中必会被问到的问题之一就是请你谈谈你自己。很多人对这个问题的回答就是简略的背一下简历。事实上这样的回答枯燥无味。那么,该怎样回答这个问题呢? When you, a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 你知道自己的工作风格吗?了解自己的工作风格可以让你有的放矢、更好地改善工作、提高效率,也就免受工作烦心之苦啦! According to professional organizer Monica Ricci, there are about four basic work styles that most people fall into. Identify your style,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 不喜欢现在的工作、想改行,却苦于不知怎么着手?下面就给您一些改行的建议,希望能对您有帮助。 One reason many people find it difficult to change careers is they think they have to do it in one big leap. Another is simple inertia -- it's easier to stay... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 你会觉得在一个行业干了一段时间,觉得这并不是自己想从事的、因而想要改行呢?改行不同于一般的跳槽,很可能意味着要从头再来,你准别好了吗? Haven't worked for the man yet? No matter how far along you are in your career, you may be able to change course t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 无论你是工作的新手,还是摸爬滚打有一段时间的小资深,向上级、同事和客户学习几乎是你工作的旋律之一。但怎么提问和沟通,才能调动他们向你传道授业的积极性,又能留给他们实在、聪明、勤奋的好印象呢? 案例: Elain刚刚开始接受新的工作时,她的客户主要是全球500强... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 Politics in the workplace can get vicious -- and we're not talking about the governmental kind. Rather, office politics, or how power and influence are managed in your company, will be a part of your career whether you choose to participate in them... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 If you worry about every possible way you can blow a job interview -- from mispronouncing the boss's name to babbling incessantly when you don't know what else to say -- you're going to walk in there feeling like you're destined to fail. True, job i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-16 由于外企的工作环境,一般对外语的要求比较高。当然,不同国家在中国设立的分公司或办事机构,其要求的语种也是不一样的。但即使是像德国、意大利、法国、荷兰等国家,由于国内学习相应语种的人不是很多,而且这些国家的人士英语水平也不错,因此他们大多数仅仅要求应... 阅读全文>> |