日期:2016-06-14 Educational authorities in Beijing have begun the process of setting new standards for the construction and inspection of playgrounds and running tracks in primary and middle schools, according to a report by Peoples Daily. 《人民日报》报道,北京市... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-11 Chinas mobile company Xiaomi has partnered with Microsoft to equip the smartphone companys devices with software from the U.S. IT giant. 中国手机生产商小米与美国IT微软合作,其生产的手机将安装微软的软件。 Xiaomi will pre-install Microsofts Office sui... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-11 Six airlines have now been given approval to launch commercial air services from the U.S. to Cuba for the first time in more than five decades. 美国6家航空公司近50多年来首次获批开通美国直飞古巴的商业航班。 A total of 155 round-trip flights will take... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-11 Chinas food safety watchdog has issued regulations to tighten supervision on baby formula. 中国食品安全监察机构已经就加强监管婴儿配方奶粉发布管理规定。 Starting from October, all baby formula producers who sell products in China will have to registe... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-11 A grandfather from Orangeburg County, Columbia, recently made the news after going to school to pick up his young grandson and coming home with a totally different child. It sounds like the plot of a 90s comedy, but this happened in real life. 一位... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-11 If you are reading this sat at your desk, wishing you were anywhere else other than at work, you might think you share the same attitude towards your job as people around the world. 此刻坐在桌前阅读这篇文章的你,假如你的心飞到了办公室外,你大概会以... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-11 Game of Thrones and other addictive box sets are preventing British couples having as much sex as they did in the past, a Cambridge University statistician has warned. 剑桥大学的统计学家警告称,《权力的游戏》等让人上瘾的剧集系列使英国夫妻之间的性爱... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-08 Most conferences tend to be boring, although not intentionally so. But there is one event that is deliberately dedicated to all things dull and tedious - the Boring Conference hosted every year at London. 大多数会议往往都很无聊,尽管这并不是组织者的... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-08 Is your partner keen on visiting Paris, while you prefer Prague? Are you looking for a warm, sun-soaked holiday but cant decide where to go? Do not worry, for German carrier Lufthansa is happy to make the decision for you. 小伙伴憧憬巴黎之旅,而你却... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-08 Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe and Lord of the Rings Elijah Wood have been battling public confusion over their identities for years -- but fans struck by their striking similarities arent quieting down any time soon. 哈利波特丹尼尔拉德克利夫和... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-08 Australian of the Year David Morrison is leading a drive against the use of the term guys in the workplace. 澳洲年度人物大卫莫里森发起了一项运动,反对人们在工作场所使用guys(意思是家伙,男人)的称谓。 The #WordsAtWork campaign by the countrys Divers... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-03 The movie adaptation of Line Walker, one of TVBs highest-rated serial dramas in 2014, will hit theatres this summer. 香港无线电视台2014年排名最高的连续剧《使徒行者》的电影改编版将于今夏在各大影院上映。 The original TVB crime drama, which is composed... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-02 Taiwan pop star Jay Chou is taking his talents to the Hollywood silver screen by being cast in Lionsgates sequel Now You See Me 2. He will play a magician named Li. 台湾巨星周杰伦将在狮门公司《惊天魔盗团2》中扮演一位名字为李的魔术师。 Jay Chou will... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-02 Japans mobile telecommunications behemoth SoftBank Group Corp. will sell a long-held investment worth 7.9 billion U.S. dollars in Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group to enhance its fiscal situation, local media said Wednesday. 日本当地媒体周三报... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-02 US electric-car maker Tesla Motors Inc plans to deliver in advance its Model X to Chinese customers at the end of the month, instead of the first quarter of 2017, a senior Tesla official told China Daily on Wednesday. 特斯拉汽车公司一位高级官员向《... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-01 Chrysler will recall 13,676 imported vehicles on the Chinese mainland due to defective windshield wipers, the countrys top quality watchdog said on Tuesday. 克莱斯勒将在中国大陆召回13676辆进口汽车,这些车辆的雨刮器存在缺陷。 The recall, set to begin... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-06-01 A plan for tackling soil pollution in China has been unveiled. 中国公布一项治理土壤污染的计划。 It aims at curbing the problem by 2020, controlling it by 2030, and forming a so-called virtuous cycle in the ecosystem by 2050. According to the latest... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-05-31 Child sex abuse is now punishable by death and chemical castration in Indonesia after its president on Wednesday issued a new law following the brutal gang rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl. 印尼总统于上周三发布新法令,性侵儿童者将被处以死刑或化... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-05-31 Donald Trump on Thursday reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination for president, completing an unlikely rise that has upended the political landscape and sets the stage for a bitter fall campaign. 本周四,唐纳德特朗... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-05-31 The City of Gold has turned to printing for its latest showpiece building, using a giant industrial 3D printer to construct a futuristic office space in just 17 days. 迪拜近日使用3D打印技术建造的办公室日前亮相,这座颇具未来感的办公室使用了一台巨型3D... 阅读全文>> |