• Thermometer or Pen

    11-03-15 A doctor is going about his business, with a rectal(直肠的) thermometer tucked(使折叠,收拢) behind his ear. He goes into a staff meeting to discuss the days activities, when a co-worker asks why he has a thermometer behind his ear. In a wild mo...

  • The First Time

    11-03-01 A pretty young woman visiting her new doctor for the first time found herself alone in a small waiting room. She began undressing nervously, preparing herself for the upcoming examination. Just as she draped the last of her garments(服装,衣着) ov...

  • Canine Complex

    11-03-01 A man walked into the office of the eminent(杰出的,有名的) psychiatrist(精神病学家) Dr. Von Vermouth, and sat down to explain his problem. Well, you see, I've got this problem, the man continued. I keep hallucinating(使产生幻觉) that I'm a do...

  • 《新娘靠边闪》一

    11-02-28 精彩对白 Bride 1: I'd like to take a moment to give a special thank-you to a girl...who's really gone above and beyond : Bride2: The girl who not only hosted my shower and helped me design the invitation- Bride1: She went with me to the caterer, the...

  • No Frills Dentist Appointment

    11-02-11 The Cohens were shown into the dentist's office, where Mr. Cohen made it clear he was in a big hurry. No fancy(想象的,奇特的) stuff, Doctor, he ordered, No gas or needles or any of that stuff. Just pull the tooth and get it over with. I wish more...

  • 杰克逊私人医生出庭受审

    11-01-12 A judge has ordered the personal doctor of Michael Jackson to stand trial for involuntary manslaughter. 一位法官以杰克逊的私人医生涉嫌过失杀人要求其出庭受审。 Conrad Murray (c) faces up to four years in prison if convicted Judge Michael Pastor gave...

  • Is he dying? 他就要死了吗?

    10-08-26 Is he dying? A man was sitting in a bar with tears streaming down his face. A friend walked in and asked why he was so unhappy. The weeping one said, The doctor has just told me I'll have to take these tablets for the rest of my life. Cheerfully, hi...

  • Doctor Swift and the boy 斯威夫特博士与小厮

    10-06-29 Doctor Swift and the boy A wealthy old lady who lived near Dr. Swift used to send him presents occasionally by her servant. Dr. Swift took her presents but never gave the boy anything for his trouble. One day as Swift was busy with his writing, the...

  • 杰克逊前私人医生暂可继续行医

    10-06-15 The doctor accused of giving Michael Jackson a lethal dose of anaesthetic will be allowed to work in California as he awaits trial, a court has ruled. 美国某法院裁定,迈克尔杰克逊的前私人医生在候审期间可以在加利福尼亚州工作。 Dr Conrad Murray faces...

  • Five Months Older 大五个月

    10-05-28 Five Months Older The Second World War had begun, and John wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. So when the army doctor examined him, he said that he was 18. But John's broth...