• 利比里亚医生用抗HIV药治疗埃博拉获奇效

    14-09-30 A doctor who was used anti-HIV medication to treat Ebola out of desperation after being inundated with patients, has reported positive results. 利比里亚一医生兵行险着,启用抗HIV药物进行治疗,不料竟获奇效。 Dr Gobee Logan gave the drug lamivudine to...

  • 张仪治痈

    14-09-29 When seving as prime minister under the King Hui of the state of Qin. Zhang Yi had a carbuncle on his back. He invited the famous doctor Sheng Gou to the state of Qin to cure his carbuncle and said to him, Now treat my back as your own back. You can...

  • A Contrivance 一个计策

    14-08-13 An old man visited a doctor to consult as to what he should do,. The doctor gave him some instructions. The old man shook his head and started to leave the office. The doctor said: Sir, you forget to pay me. Pay you for what? said the old man. The d...

  • A Nervous Wife 神经紧张的妻子

    14-08-13 A man fell ill. His wife called a doctor in for him. While the doctor was looking over the man, his wife kept fussing(烦躁,发牢骚) and jabbering(快而含糊地说) all the time. The doctor told her: Your husband must get absolute rest and quiet. The...

  • Hours of consultation 诊疗时间

    14-07-30 It was half pass three. The doctor just lay down to have a nap when he heard a loud knock on the door. He got up and asked the man at the door: What is it? I've been bitten by a dog, said the man painfully. Well, don't you know that my hours of cons...

  • No connection with medicine 与药无关

    14-07-30 When the sick man entered the consulting room, the doctor smiled and said: I am glad to see that you look much better today. Yes, I followed the direction on your medicine bottle, replied the sick man. The doctor asked: What were they? The sick man...

  • Seeking to survive 求生

    14-07-21 A sick man was about to die. The doctor decided to tell him the truth. He looked down at the sick man and said: I think you would like to know the facts, so I should tell you that you are very sick now. Do you want somebody to come to see you? Yes,...

  • A beautiful woman-doctor 美丽的女医生

    14-07-02 A beautiful woman-doctor is warmly welcomed by men-patients, and she has many romantic and wealthy pursuers. Of course, she also suffers a lot of sexual disterbance. One day, having examined Mr Chen's sterile(不育的) disease in the hospital, the b...

  • Sometimes It's Hard to Know When to Stop

    14-06-26 An old man went to the doctor and began to pour out his problems. As the doctor asked more about what was the matter with him, the old man said, Well Doc, after I get to the first, I'm very, very tired. After the second, I feel all in(疲乏到极点)...

  • A forgetful man

    14-06-26 Man: Doctor, I'm getting very forgetful. Doctor: I see, Mr. Brown. Won't you take a chair? Man: Thanks, take a what? Doctor: A chair. Now, when did you first notice this trouble? Man: What trouble?...