• “中国制造2025”遭遇德国“工业4.0”

    17-05-03 In 2012, Germany launched the concept of Industry 4.0 in its manufacturing sector. Three years later, a similar Chinese initiative, or the Made in China 2025, debuted. 2012年德国在制造业发起了工业4.0的概念。三年后,中国提出一个类似的计划中国制造2025...

  • silver industry 银发产业

    17-04-21 Silver industry refers to the business sector that focuses on products and services for seniors. 银发产业指的是聚焦于为老年人提供产品和服务的商业部门。 Industries that have focused on younger consumers are retooling themselves to create, produce and...

  • 中国游戏开发商在苏格兰建分公司

    17-03-03 A Chinese game developer is investing in a new studio in Scotland. 中国某游戏开发商将要在苏格兰开设一家新工作室。 Skymoons, who are behind several popular games such as Zombie Wars and Seer Superheroes, have launched the studio in Edinburgh in order...

  • 中国将减少海洋捕鱼量

    17-01-22 China plans to reduce its marine fish catch in the next few years to protect the environment. 中国计划将在未来几年减少海洋鱼类捕获量以保护环境。 The ocean fishery output will drop to less than 10 million tonnes by 2020, down by 3.1 million tonnes fr...

  • 商务部提出目标促进电商发展

    16-12-21 The Commerce Ministry has set out three main development goals for the e-commerce sector in the next few years. 商务部就未来几年电商部门提出了三项主要发展目标。 By 2020, Chinese authorities hope to have e-commerce trade volumes hit 40-trillion yuan,...

  • 2016中国企业500强 国家电网居首

    16-08-30 A 2016 list of top 500 Chinese enterprises has been released by the China Association of Enterprises. 中国企业联合会发布2016中国企业500强排行榜。 State Grid, Chinas dominant electrical utility service provider, tops the list for the first time, repl...

  • 2015中国卫星导航定位行业年同比增长29.2%

    16-07-21 The output value of Chinas satellite navigation and location-based service industry grew 29.2 percent year on year in 2015, with the countrys self-developed BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) making a big contribution, according to a white pap...

  • 中国成为世界第二大创业板市场

    16-07-01 China has become the second largest venture market in the world, as the countrys research and development expenditure ranks second worldwide, Spanish newspaper EL PAIS reported on Wednesday. 西班牙国家报周三报道,中国的研究与开发支出全球排名第二,已...

  • 中国将加快发展普通航空业

    16-05-18 China is set to boost development of its general aviation industry to create a market worth more than one trillion yuan or about 153 billion U.S. dollars by 2020. 到2020年,中国将加快发展普通航空业,创造一个价值超过10000亿元人民币(1530亿美元)的市...

  • electronic sports 电子竞技

    16-03-16 The electronic sports industry in China generated 27 billion yuan in revenue in 2015, with the number of players surpassing 100 million. 2015年中国电子竞技市场收入达到270亿元,玩家人数已超过1亿。 电子竞技(electronic sports,E-sports)就是电子游戏比...