• 巴西公布保护国内企业之计划

    11-08-03 Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff has unveiled plans to help her country be more competitive. 巴西总统迪尔玛罗赛夫公布了一些旨在帮助国内企业更具竞争力的计划。 The measures include tax breaks for Brazilian-made products and anti-dumping measures on c...

  • 奥巴马演讲 关于绿色车队行动的讲话3

    11-04-03 And one of the things that I heard repeatedly, and some of the folks who are already driving some of these cars will tell you that -- or these trucks -- will tell you, and that is making sure that weve got stations, charging stations, if were talkin...

  • cultural and creative industry 文化创意产业

    11-03-18 The cultural and creative industry has become one of the pillar industries in Beijing, contributing 11.4 percent of the city's GDP in 2008. Gou Zhongwen, vice-mayor of Beijing municipal government, said the animation and comic industry is one of the...

  • 腐败细菌可清理废水中的染料

    10-09-19 This press relase is available in Spanish. Spoilage(损坏,糟蹋) bacteria that can cause red coloration of pickles' skin during fermentation(发酵) may actually help clean up dyes(染料) in textile industry wastewater, according to a U.S. Departm...

  • 喷雾式无缝织物将问世

    10-09-15 Seamless(无缝的,无伤痕的) fabric that can be sprayed on to skin and other surfaces to make clothes, medical bandages and even upholstery(饰面材料) will be demonstrated this Thursday, in advance of the Science in Style spray-on fashion show next...

  • 奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济5

    10-08-23 Q Mr. President, sir, I was born and raised in a good blue-collar town in Toledo, Ohio. I grew up in a union family and I work now for a significant number of pension assets in the labor union market with an investment firm. I think the question I h...

  • 纳米材料可广泛应用于建筑领域

    10-07-29 Nanomaterials are poised for widespread use in the construction industry, where they can offer significant advantages for a variety of applications ranging from making more durable concrete to self-cleaning windows. But widespread use in building ma...

  • 奥巴马演讲 签署金融改革法案2

    10-07-26 With this law, well crack down on abusive(辱骂的,滥用的) practices in the mortgage industry. Well make sure that contracts are simpler - putting an end to many hidden penalties and fees in complex mortgages - so folks know what theyre signing. Wi...

  • 温家宝总理政府工作报告热词

    10-07-22 fiscal revenue 财政收入 per capita disposable income 人均可支配收入 net per capita income 人均纯收入 the central government's public investment 中央政府公共投资 technological upgrading projects 技改项目 actual utilized foreign direct investment 实际...

  • 航空航天1

    10-07-20 航空 包机 charter flight 大型客机,大飞机 large passenger aircraft; jumbo jet 比例模型 scale model 航空安全 air safety; flight safety 军用飞机 military aircraft 民航工业 civil aviation industry 民用飞机civil aircraft 商用飞机 commercial aircraft 运...