• 安全驾驶必备词汇

    11-08-31 窄路 Narrow road 滑路 Slippery road 弯路 Curve road 此路不通 Blocked / Road closed 修路 Road works ahead 改道 Diversion / Detour 险陡 Dangerous ahead 危险弯路 Dangerous curves 三岔路 Road junction 十字路 Cross road 回车道 Loop road 左(右)弯 Left (Ri...

  • Beggar's Cup

    11-05-26 Beggar's Cup Jack Myers I'm slowing down now, imperceptibly(细微地) , it seems, like a river spreading itself out into a delta(三角洲) where the minute metallic taste of salt, like paradox(悖论) blooming in the darkness, takes me out. I can se...

  • 塞伦盖蒂平原修筑公路将阻碍动物迁徙

    11-02-01 Building a highway through Serengeti National Park may devastate one of the world's last large-scale herd migrations and the region's ecosystem, according to new research by an international team of ecologists, including a University of Guelph profe...

  • When the Leaves Are Gone

    10-11-26 On a beautiful Octorber day, my husband and I were taking a drive through the Georgia mountains. When traffic slowed to snail's pace, we assumed there was road construction or an accident ahead. My husband reached for the CB radio and asked, Can any...

  • Horse and Rider

    10-09-26 Horse and Rider Melissa Range Sing unto(到,直到) the Lord a drift of a song, a song that goes before the Law: make of your voice a shaft of flame shifting into cloud and back again, a rift in a wave, a crack(裂缝) in a wheel, a road in the mids...

  • 动物保护区内修路将妨碍动物的迁徙

    10-08-26 The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Zoological(动物学的) Society of London (ZSL) are requesting that the Government of Tanzania reconsider the proposed construction of a commercial road through the world's best known wildlife sanctuary...

  • Excuse for Speeding 超速的理由

    10-06-29 Excuse for Speeding Harry and Lloyd were speeding down the road. A police car pulled them over. Why on earth were you driving so fast? the policeman yelled. Our brakes are no good-so we wanted to get there before we had an accident! 超速的理由 哈里...

  • 英国:冰雨来袭 圣诞不宜出行

    09-12-26 因受近期恶劣天气的影响,英国大部分地区的交通出行状况都表现不佳,英国汽车工业协会在圣诞前夜警告人们最好等到圣诞节后一两天恶劣天气过去再做出行打算。据悉,此次恶劣天气已经导致至少19人丧生,而英国国内各个交通行业均受到严重影响。大量航班晚点或取消,火车...

  • Living Flowers

    09-12-11 As the sun rose over the horizon, I went out to enjoy the beauty of the grassland scenery风景,景色 . On the way, I saw a pair of red flowers blooming. They had flat petals花瓣 and were incredibly full of smiling beauty. Those independent flowers se...

  • Road noise link to blood pressure 公路噪音可能导致高血压

    09-09-10 People living near noisy roads are at greater risk of developing high blood pressure, a Swedish study suggests. 一项瑞典调查显示,居住在嘈杂的路边的人患高血压的风险极大。 High blood pressure increases the risk of strokes and heart problems A Lund Un...