• 前4个月我国外贸进出口同比增长7.9%

    22-05-18 在我国外贸发展面临的外部环境更趋复杂严峻的形势下,前4个月我国外贸进出口仍然保持了增长。 Chinas total imports and exports expanded 7.9 percent year on year to 12.58 trillion yuan in the first four months of 2022, official data showed Monday. 海关总署...

  • 中国经济可能在未来几个月内实现回升

    22-05-16 分析人士5月5日表示,尽管受国内疫情扰动及海外美联储加息等多重因素影响,但在更有力的政策支持和更有效的疫情防控之下,预计中国经济将保持其韧性,并可能在未来几个月内实现回升。 The Chinese economy is expected to maintain its resilience and may rebound in...

  • 有关make的习语和表达 3

    22-05-10 9.make a living to earn money in a profession or trade 用工作来谋生 He makes a living selling insurance to the elderly. 他通过向老年人售卖保险为生。 Can you make a good living by teaching? 你是以教书为生吗? 10.make a name for oneself to become famo...

  • RCEP协定已对区域贸易和经济复苏产生积极影响

    22-05-05 RCEP协定自今年年初生效以来,已经对区域贸易和经济复苏产生了积极影响。3月越南、泰国、马来西亚三国驻广西南宁总领事开展的直播带货活动不仅增进了跨境电商合作,加强了RCEP成员国的贸易往来,也有助于全球经济的复苏。 Almost four months after the Regional Compr...

  • 商务部将择优开展内外贸一体化试点

    22-04-24 商务部日前在新闻发布会上表示,将会同有关部门择优选择部分地区开展内外贸一体化试点,形成一批可复制推广经验做法,以点带面推进全国内外贸一体化发展。 Chinas Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Thursday said that it will work with related agencies to carry out...

  • 3月债券通交易稳定

    22-04-12 3月,债券通交投稳定,国债和政策性金融债交易最为活跃。 The monthly trading volume under Chinas Bond Connect program reached 647.8 billion yuan, with the average daily turnover at 28.2 billion yuan, data released by Bond Connect Co., Ltd. showed. 债券...

  • the loss outweighs the gain 得不偿失

    22-03-22 得不偿失,汉语成语,意思是所得的利益抵偿不了所受的损失。可以翻译为one is losing more than one is gaining或the loss outweighs the gain等。 例句: 这次交易会得不偿失。 The trade fair was not worth the cost....

  • 2022前两月欧盟反超东盟成为中国第一大贸易伙伴

    22-03-22 外贸数据显示,今年前两月,欧盟反超东盟成为中国第一大贸易伙伴。对此商务部表示,这反映出中欧贸易较强的韧性和活力,不过这一情况是季节性的还是趋势性的,还有待进一步观察。 With the European Union surpassing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to b...

  • 正宗的英语叠词 下

    22-02-08 07 hush-hush 嘘声,秘密的 In the end he was forced to resign but it was all very hush-hush. 最后他被迫辞职,但这些全是秘密发生的。 This matter is hush-hush. 这件事要谨慎保密。 You dont want to hush-hush his scandal to me. 你别想对我隐瞒他的丑事。 08...

  • trade on his good looks 靠颜值

    22-02-08 如何用英文表达明明可以靠颜值? 查字典时不小心碰到了trade on,韦氏词典中有一个例句,看了一眼就记住了: He wants to succeed by working hard instead of just trading on his good looks. 这里的trade on his good looks就是靠颜值。...