• 2015中国是越南最大的贸易伙伴

    15-09-29 China remained the biggest trade partner of Vietnam in the first nine months of 2015 with a total trade revenue of 49.3 billion U.S. dollars, according to Vietnam's General Statistics Office on Tuesday. 越南国家统计局周二宣布,2015年前九个月中国是越...

  • 美国:希望习近平的访问能推动双边贸易谈判

    15-09-23 U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman said Tuesday that he hopes Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to the United States this week could help push forward negotiations on a bilateral investment treaty (BIT). 美国商贸代表迈克尔佛曼周二表示...

  • 澳前总理丹尼尔·安德鲁斯访华

    15-09-21 Australia's Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has started a seven-day tour to China to boost relations and trade with the Asian country. 维多利亚时代的澳大利亚总理丹尼尔安德鲁斯开启七日中国行,以促进与中国的关系与贸易往来。 Making his first internati...

  • CATTI考试文化类词汇 上

    15-09-15 二十四节气 24 solar terms 民间工艺品 folk arts and crafts 文化多样性 cultural diversification 文化软实力 cultural soft power 传统文化知识 traditional cultural know-how 对外文化贸易 international cultural trade 思想道德建设 raise ideological and ethi...

  • border trade zone 互市贸易区

    15-07-29 A border trade zone between China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), located in northeast China's Liaoning Province, has been approved, the provincial government announced on July 13. 辽宁省政府7月13日宣布,已批准在该省设立中朝互...

  • 中朝将建边境贸易区

    15-07-14 A border trade zone between China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), located in northeast China's Liaoning Province, has been approved, the provincial government announced on Monday. 中国辽宁省政府周一宣布,中国与朝鲜建立边境贸易...

  • recipient of FDI 外资流入国

    15-07-13 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) World Investment Report 2015, released on Wednesday, revealed that China became the world's largest recipient of FDI in 2014, with inflows reaching $129 billion, a 3.7 percent increase comp...

  • 考古学家发现一条史前黄金贸易路线

    15-06-09 Archaeologists at the University of Southampton have found evidence of an ancient gold trade route between the south-west of the UK and Ireland. A study suggests people were trading gold between the two countries as far back as the early Bronze Age...

  • 海峡两岸论坛将于6月召开

    15-05-13 The 7th Cross-Strait Forum is scheduled to begin on June 13 in east China's Fujian Province, focusing on youth exchanges and trade cooperation. 第七届海峡两岸论坛将于6月13号在中国福建省召开,会议将集中讨论青少年交流与贸易合作。 The week-long forum h...

  • 中日韩举行自由贸易协定高层会谈

    15-05-11 China, South Korea and Japan will hold top-negotiator talks for the trilateral free trade agreement (FTA) this week in Seoul. 中国、韩国与日本本周将在首尔就三方自由贸易协定举行高层会谈。 South Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said Mond...