• 中澳将升级双边自由贸易协定

    17-04-07 China and Australia will prepare to begin talks on upgrading a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) between the two nations, a commerce ministry official said Thursday. 中国商务部一位官员周四表示,中国与澳大利亚将就两国之间双边自由贸易协定升级一事展...

  • 香港将于2021年前禁止象牙交易

    16-12-22 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) government announced on Wednesday a proposal of a three-step plan to prepare for a total ban of local ivory trade by 2021. 香港特别行政区政府周三宣布一项提案,将于2021年前分三步以完全禁止象牙交易。 T...

  • 商务部提出目标促进电商发展

    16-12-21 The Commerce Ministry has set out three main development goals for the e-commerce sector in the next few years. 商务部就未来几年电商部门提出了三项主要发展目标。 By 2020, Chinese authorities hope to have e-commerce trade volumes hit 40-trillion yuan,...

  • 中国外交影响力将推动象牙贸易的安全禁止

    16-08-30 Chinas diplomatic clout will re-energize the push for a total ban on ivory trade during the upcoming Convention on International Trade on Endangered Species (CITES), Kenyan officials said on Monday. 肯尼亚官方周一表示,中国的外交影响力将推动即将到来...

  • 大学课程名称 5

    16-08-03 美学原理 Principles of Aesthetics 内控研究 Internal Control Study 农村金融学 Agricultural Finance 欧洲古典音乐 European Classic Music 期货交易 Trade of Futures 期货市场 Futures Market 企业财务审计 Business Financial Auditing 企业管理 Business Manage...

  • WTO开始审查中国的贸易政策

    16-07-21 The World Trade Organization (WTO) has started a regular review of Chinas trade policy in Geneva. 世界贸易组织已经开始对中国的贸易政策进行定期检查。 WTO members will examine Chinas trade policy and practices over the past two years. Wang Shouwen, he...

  • 中国人民银行:人民币不会贬值

    16-07-01 China has no intention of devaluating the yuan to gain an advantage in global trade and there is no basis for long-term depreciation, the central bank said Thursday. 中国人民银行周四表示,中国不会使人民币贬值以在全球贸易中取得优势,人民币长期贬值没...

  • 中日韩自由贸易会谈在首尔展开

    16-06-28 The 10th round of talks regarding a trilateral Free Trade Agreement between China, Japan, and South Korea has begun in Seoul. 中日韩三边自由贸易协定第10轮会谈已经在首尔展开。 During the talks, negotiators will hold in-depth discussions over the trad...

  • 2016中越双边贸易目标1000亿

    16-03-09 The target of 100 billion U.S. dollars in the bilateral trade revenue between China and Vietnam is to be reached in 2016, said an official of the Chinese embassy here on Tuesday. 中国驻越南大使馆一位官员周二表示,2016年中国与越南的双边贸易收入目标为...

  • Northern Powerhouse 北方动力

    16-02-25 President Xi Jinping's state visit to the United Kingdom will see more than 30 billion ($46.41 billion) worth of trade and investment deals completed, creating in excess of 3,900 jobs across the country, according to the British embassy in Beijing....