• 中国将举办G20贸易部长会议

    16-02-18 China's Ministry of Commerce said the country will host the G20 trade ministers meetings in Shanghai this summer. 中国商务部部长表示,今年夏天上海将举办G20贸易部长会议。 Shen Danyang, spokesman for the Ministry, made the remarks at a news conference...

  • 李克强向IMF主席解释中国的货币政策

    16-01-29 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has assured the head of the IMF that Beijing has no intention of boosting export through currency depreciation, not to mention waging a trade war. 中国总理李克强向国际货币基金组织总裁保证,中国无意通过货币贬值推动出口,更...

  • Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement 跨太平洋伙伴关系协议

    16-01-29 The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement was finally sealed by 12 Pacific Rim nations on Monday after more than five years of negotiation. 10月5日,12个环太平洋国家在历时五年多的协商后,终于达成跨太平洋伙伴关系协议。 跨太平洋伙伴关系协议用英文Trans-P...

  • 2015中国网络零售额全球首位

    15-12-28 China's online retail volume is expected to outperform the rest of the world by reaching four trillion yuan (618 billion U.S.dollars) this year, Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng said Sunday. 中国商务部长高虎城周日表示,2015年中国网络零售额有望超过世界...

  • 中国在自贸区试点人民币自由兑换

    15-12-11 China has approved RMB convertibility on the capital account within 10 million U.S. dollars for the Tianjin, Guangdong and Fujian free trade zones (FTZs), the central bank said on Friday. 中国人民银行周五宣布,中国已批准在天津、广东、福建自由贸易区...

  • 中韩将实施自由贸易协定

    15-12-09 South Korea and China agreed to implement the bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) on Dec. 20, Seoul's foreign ministry said Wednesday. 韩国外交部长周三表示,韩国与中国将于12月20日开始实施双边自由贸易协定。 The two nations continued negotiations to...

  • 中国公务员将不得兼职商会职务

    15-11-26 Chinese authorities have laid out a set of new plans to sever the link between governments and trade associations. 中国当局已出台一套新举措来分离政府与协会商会之间的联系。 The move is expected to give more independence to trade associations. Under t...

  • 中新着眼于自由贸易协定升级

    15-11-19 China and Singapore have started talks aimed at upgrading their current free trade agreement negotiations. 中国与新加坡已就升级现有自由贸易协定展开会谈。 The two sides are expected to conclude the negotiations by the end of next year. The CSFTA, whi...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁制定国际经济秩序

    15-10-17 Hi, everybody. This week, after five years of effort with eleven other nations, we reached agreement on a new trade deal that promotes American values and protects American workers. There's a reason this Trans-Pacific Partnership took five years to...

  • 中朝边界开设国门湾互市贸易区

    15-10-16 A trade zone between China and North Korea has been opened. 中国与朝鲜交界处开设一座贸易区。 The Guomenwan trade zone in the border city of Dandong, Liaoning province, involves an investment of 1 billion yuan or around 60 million U.S. dollars. Resid...