• 西班牙警方逮捕三名僵尸网络策划者

    10-03-04 Spanish police have revealed that they have arrested three men responsible for one of the world's biggest networks of virus-infected computers. 西班牙警方透露,他们已逮捕三名男子,这三人涉嫌负责一个世界上最大的被病毒感染的电脑网络。 Few owners of hi...

  • 人、禽流感病毒相互作用可产生新变种病毒

    10-02-23 Genetic interactions(相互作用) between avian(鸟类的) H5N1 influenza and human seasonal influenza viruses have the potential to create hybrid(杂种的,混合的) strains combining the virulence(毒性) of bird flu with the pandemic(流行的,普遍的...

  • 抗逆转录病毒可在五年之内停止艾滋病的传播

    10-02-21 Anti-retroviral treatments (ARVs) could stop the spread of Aids in South Africa within five years, say scientists. 科学家称,抗逆转录病毒疗法可以在五年之内阻止艾滋病在南非的传播。 South Africa has the world's highest incidence of HIV/Aids Dr Brian W...

  • 研究人员绘制出子弹头状病毒的3D模型

    10-02-10 Vesicular stomatitis(水泡性口炎) virus, or VSV, has long been a model system for studying and understanding the life cycle of negative-strand RNA viruses, which include viruses that cause influenza, measles(麻疹) and rabies(狂犬病) . More impo...

  • 烟草植株提取物可杀灭西尼罗病毒

    10-02-02 A new therapeutic治疗的 made from tobacco plants has been shown to arrest逮捕,阻止 West Nile virus infection, according to a new study by Arizona State University scientist Qiang Chen and his colleagues. Chen, a researcher at Arizona State Universi...

  • 人类疱疹病毒的关键增殖机制被发现

    10-01-15 Barr virus (EBV), a virus of the herpes疱疹 family, has two distinct清楚的,独特的 life phases阶段,时期 : After infecting a cell it first goes into a resting phase. Under certain circumstances the virus can become active and then induces引诱 tumor...

  • 世界卫生组织改变艾滋病服药建议

    09-12-01 The World Health Organization is changing its advice on HIV drugs, asking that they be given sooner and to breastfeeding mothers with the virus. 世界卫生组织正在改变关于艾滋病药物的服用建议,建议应尽早服药、感染病毒的哺乳期母亲也应该服药。 If adopte...

  • 研究:原子状态下观测艾滋病诱因

    09-11-20 Since the discovery in 2007 that a component(组件,成分) of human semen(精液) called SEVI boosts infectivity(传染性) of the virus that causes AIDS, researchers have been trying to learn more about SEVI and how it works, in hopes of thwarting(...

  • ME virus discovery raises hopes 慢性疲劳症研究获重大突破

    09-10-11 US scientists say they have made a potential breakthrough in understanding what causes the condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or ME. 美国科学家称,他们已经发现导致慢性疲劳症的重大突破。 Some sufferers of ME have such severe symptoms t...

  • Virus linked to prostate tumours 前列腺癌相关病毒被发现

    09-09-09 Scientists have produced compelling evidence that a virus known to cause cancer in animals is linked to prostate cancer in humans. 科学家发现强有力的证据证明一种导致动物患癌症的病毒与人类的前列腺癌有关。 Prostate cancer is a major killer The researc...