• moonlighter 月光人

    17-05-26 Moonlighter is a person who holds a second job (usually after hours). 月光人指的是拥有第二职业的人(通常在下班后去做)。 According to the US Department of Labor, about 7 to 8 million of us -- about 5+ percent of all workers -- work multiple jobs (wh...

  • 特朗普签署新贸易政令讲话

    17-04-27 President Trump: Thank you. During the campaign, I traveled the nation and visited the cities and towns devastated by unfair trade policies, probably one of the major reasons Im here today - trade. Nobody has ever made bad trade deals like our count...

  • 澳大利亚将取消457工作签证项目

    17-04-23 Australia will introduce stricter visa requirements for skilled workers from overseas, the government said. 澳大利亚政府称,将出台更严格的海外技术劳工签证要求。 The 457 visa programme is used mainly to hire foreign workers in the restaurant, IT and...

  • 特朗普签署“买美国货,雇美国人”行政命令

    17-04-19 U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed a Buy American, Hire American executive order in Kenosha, Wisconsin, initiating visa and government purchase reforms. 本周二,美国总统特朗普在威斯康辛州基诺沙签署一项买美国货,雇美国人的行政命令,开启签...

  • Nerdistan 高新技术区

    17-02-12 Nerdistan is an upscale and largely self-contained suburb or town with a large population of high-tech workers employed in nearby office parks that are dominated by high-tech industries. 高新技术区指的是有大量高技术人员居住的高档且配套完善的郊区或城...

  • prairie-dogging 土拨鼠效应

    16-12-11 Prairie-dogging refers to the practice of workers in an open-plan office raising their heads above the partitions surrounding their desks when they hear a loud voice or other noise. 开放式办公室中的员工在听到喧哗的声响或者其他声音时,总忍不住在格子...

  • overtime dogs 加班狗

    16-12-11 In one video that went viral this summer, an amateur Shanghai choir devoted a tongue-in-cheek song to their status as overtime dogs - a slang term for white-collar workers - entitled My Body Is Hollowed Out. 在今年夏天中国流行的一段视频中,上海一支...

  • 多睡觉也能帮你涨工资

    16-12-10 We all know sleep matters for job performance. After a week of vacation, you may find your work better than ever. But rack up a week of sleepless nights - say, following a polarizing presidential election - and you may find yourself struggling. 众所...

  • 特朗普:国外代工的美企将征收35%惩罚性关税

    16-12-08 US President-elect Donald Trump says he will impose punitive taxes on US firms that move manufacturing overseas. 美国候任总统特朗普表示,他将对制造业迁至国外的美国企业征收35%的惩罚性关税。 Mr Trump promised a 35% tax on products sold in the US by an...

  • 宁夏女员工将享受带薪生理假

    16-08-17 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in northwest China will allow female workers to require paid menstrual leave, reported nxnews.net on Tuesday. 宁夏新闻网周二报道,宁夏回族自治区将允许女性员工享受带薪生理假。 The region enhances the protection of female...