• 英国百万职员因工作压力未休完年假

    12-11-25 More than a million workers will fail to take their full entitlement of leave this year, according to a report. 根据一项报告,英国超过百万的职员今年没能休完年假。 It found workers will give up a total of 6.2 million days of annual leave, with the av...

  • 加薪带来的满足感非常短暂

    12-11-11 A pay rise only leads to short-term satisfaction before the rut sets in again, according to a new study. With a rise comes a re-evaluation of status and you soon begin to start comparing your levels of pay to colleague's again. 最新研究显示,加薪给...

  • “周五便装日”反让员工感到焦虑

    12-10-27 Many companies enforce a 'dress down Friday' policy as an incentive for office workers to let their hair down at the end of the week. But according to new research, for many the opposite effect is achieved as people get stressed about what to wear o...

  • Daylighters 上班兼职族

    12-07-26 Daylighters are workers who manage to work two jobs during one shift. Sure, most of us wear many hats in our jobs, but daylighters actually perform tasks for two different businesses while physically present at just one of them. Some of these career...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁通过运输法案与学生贷款

    12-06-30 Over the past three years, we've been clawing our way back from the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. And we know it will take longer than any of us would like to fully recover all the jobs and savings that have been lost. But there are things...

  • I was the foreman 我是领班

    12-05-15 Peter was telling a friend that he had just lost his job. Why did the foreman(领班) fire you? the friend asked in surprise. Oh, Peter said, you know how foreman are. They stand around with their hands in their pockets watching everybody else work....

  • 多数主管无法充分发挥员工的价值

    12-05-13 New research suggests that most managers are failing to get the best out of their employees. 新调查显示,大多数主管都无法充分发挥员工的价值。 The findings have highlighted the growing unrest amongst workers towards those in charge - which is also un...

  • 与临时工一起工作有损健康和财富

    12-04-21 Working with temps harms your health and wealth. Not only will you suffer anxiety attacks, you'll get paid less too, according to a new report from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR). 英国国家经济和社会研究学院的一项新报...

  • 美14名员工因同穿橙色衬衫被解雇

    12-03-24 上周五,美国佛罗里达州一家律师事务所的14名员工因同时穿着橙色衬衫而被解雇,公司老板认为他们集体穿同样颜色的衣服是对公司管理层的抗议行为。 They weren't wearing sagging pants or revealing(坦胸漏肩的) clothing. But dressing in an orange shirt is appar...

  • 瑞士选民拒绝享有长年假

    12-03-12 Voters in Switzerland have rejected a proposal to give themselves more annual leave in a national referendum. 瑞士选民在一次全民投票中驳回了让他们享有更长年假的提议。 The plan would have given workers six weeks off a year, but business groups warned...