• 希腊公共部门举行罢工

    14-07-09 Public sector workers in Greece have begun a 24-hour strike to protest against continuing cuts in government spending. 希腊公共部门的工作人员已开始一场24小时的罢工,抗议政府开支的不断削减。 Greece has seen continuing protests against austerity measu...

  • 法国铁路工人罢工影响学生考试

    14-06-17 Rail workers have gone on strike in France for a sixth day, affecting students taking final school exams. 法国铁路工人举行的罢工已持续至第六天,影响了参加学校期末考试的学生。 Some 687,000 high school students were taking their Baccalaureate on Monda...

  • 土耳其矿工宁愿自杀不想活活被火烧死

    14-05-25 土耳其煤矿矿难搜救已经结束,当局16日确认284人死亡。18人失踪。一名生还矿工忆述煤矿爆炸后,矿井内发生的惨烈一幕被困同事不想活活被火烧死,宁愿自杀。 A miner in the Turkish pit tragedy told how a colleague tried to kill himself rather than be burnt aliv...

  • 惠普将裁员多达16000人

    14-05-23 Technology giant Hewlett-Packard (HP) announced an 18% rise in profits to $1.3bn for the second quarter. 科技行业巨头惠普公司宣布2014年第二季度预期利润将增长18%至13亿美元。 But the firm said that despite rising profits, it plans to lay off an additi...

  • 瑞典正试行6小时工作制

    14-04-11 瑞典为了减少病假、提高效率,同时也让员工的身心更健康,正在试行6小时工作制。 Hundreds of Swedish workers are trialling a six-hour working day in the hopes that it will cut sick leave and save the country money. In an experiment, workers in one govern...

  • 奥巴马讲话 投资技术研究与基础建设创造更多就业机会

    14-03-07 Hi everybody. In my State of the Union Address, I said that the best measure of opportunity is access to a good job. And after the worst recession of our lifetimes, our businesses have created eight and a half million new jobs in the last four years...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁国会提高最低工资标准

    14-02-21 Hi, everybody. In this year of action, I said I'd do everything in my power to expand opportunity for more Americans. And this week, I took action to lift more workers' wages by requiring federal contractors to pay their employees a fair wage of at...

  • 美国快餐店工人正酝酿举行大罢工

    13-12-20 据美国《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国大约100个城市的快餐店工人酝酿在近日举行大罢工,要求将最低工资提高至每小时15美元。 Fast-food workers are poised to walk off the job(罢工) in 100 cities Thursday, the latest action in a nationwide push for a $15-an-hour...

  • bit literacy 比特素养

    13-12-10 Bits - the electronic data that flows in and out of our e-mail inboxes, cell phones, Web browsers, and so on - place a weight on anyone who uses them. Appearing in large numbers as they often do, bits weigh people down, mentally and emotionally, wit...

  • 南非一座商场的屋顶坍塌 数十人被困

    13-11-20 One person has died and about 50 are feared trapped after a roof collapsed at the construction site of a South African shopping mall, officials say. 南非一处正在施工的购物中心屋顶发生坍塌,造成1人死亡、50余人被困。 Those trapped are believed to be c...