日期:2020-05-13 1. 道不远人,人无异国。(援助韩国,源自新罗旅唐学者崔致远) Great distance cannot separate us; We all live in a united world. 2.尼莲正东流,西树几春秋。(援助印度,源自玄奘) By the Holy Lotus River Where pure gold flows east. Looking back to the we... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-05-13 世界旅游组织表示,受新冠肺炎疫情影响,今年国际游客人数将减少六至八成。 The number of international tourist arrivals will drop by 60-80% in 2020 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the World Tourism Organization said. Widespread travel restriction... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-05-12 白宫要求在西翼的工作人员,也就是负责总统唐纳德特朗普日常的人员,除了在自己的办公桌前,其他在呆在大楼里的时刻要一直佩戴口罩。 WASHINGTON - The White House has directed staff working in the West Wing, where the daily operations of President Donald Trum... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-05-12 A wolf slinks out of a park in Sesto Fiorentino, an industrial centre near Florence. Goslings waddle behind their mothers along deserted thoroughfares in Treviso. Fallow deer invade a golf course on Sardinia and take a dip in the clubhouse swimming... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-05-08 世界各地的医生都发出强烈警告,警告人们不要用消毒液治疗新冠病毒。之前美国总统特朗普曾给出建议称消毒液或许能用来治疗新冠病毒。 Doctors around the world have issued strong warnings for people not to use disinfectant to treat coronavirus. Their plea fol... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-05-07 你会花50万美元买下童年的房子吗?如果你是作家JK罗琳,然后你小时候的家给了你灵感让你创作出了最著名的小说中的情节的话,那这还确实值得考虑一下。据《每日邮报》报道,其实《哈利波特》的作者JK罗琳现在是自己童年那栋房子的业主 位于切普斯托土茲希爾的教堂小屋。... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-05-07 泰森食品董事长约翰泰森警告说新冠疫情迫使该公司关闭全国门店。泰森强调,消费者会受到牵连,因为零售店的商品有限,只有在目前关闭的门店重新开门以后问题才能得到解决。 If you thought the toilet paper shortage was bad, just wait. Meat may be next. John H. T... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-05-06 据CNN报道,现在英国的一个研究团队希望狗的灵敏嗅觉能帮助检测新冠病毒。研究人员称,狗狗检测不会取代传统的新冠检测,但如果新冠试剂盒短缺,需要几小时,甚至几天才能出结果的时候,狗狗可以进行补充检测。 Canines have been used for decades to sniff out drugs... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-26 A survey in the United Kingdom asked people about life after lockdown. The market research and data analytics company YouGov asked 4,343 people about life after the lockdown ends. The company said they were surprised by the peoples answers. Only nin... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-26 考古学家发现了迄今为止最古老的绳子,距今已有五万年左右。 Archaeologists have discovered the oldest piece of string ever found. The archaeologists are very happy about their find. The first reason they are happy is that the string they found is aroun... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-23 随着数百万人居家隔离以遏制新冠病毒的传播,世界卫生组织建议政府应在封锁期间限制酒精饮料的购买。世卫组织在一份新闻稿中指出:在新冠肺炎疫情封锁时期,饮酒会让身体健康更脆弱,加剧冒险行为、心理健康问题和暴力行为。世卫组织鼓励政府实施限制饮酒的措施。饮酒... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-23 熊猫盈盈和乐乐在一起的十年,在今年疫情期间繁育季节到来时,它们之间好像发生了一点变化。 If the world wants more pandas to get it on, perhaps all we humans need to do is get out the way. Far from the prying eyes of the public, two captive giant pandas... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-23 新冠疫情成了人们的噩梦。公共博客I Dream of Covid正在记录疫情封城期间很多人正在经历的奇怪的、总是很令人困扰的梦。在海湾地区开始提供避难所的10天后,Erin Gravley突发奇想建了这个网站,她做了一个与扩大社交距离有关的梦。 The coronavirus pandemic is the st... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-22 纽约州州长安德鲁科莫签署了一项允许网上结婚的法令。从现在起,美国纽约州的居民将能远程申请结婚证,婚姻登记处的办事员可以在线主持登记仪式。 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed an order allowing online marriages, as many weddings are cancelled und... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-21 负责监察新冠病毒引起的呼吸系统疾病的英国科学家说失去嗅觉和味觉应该被加入到诸如高烧,嗓子疼、持续干咳等感染的显著症状中。 British scientists monitoring the symptoms of the novel coronavirus-caused respiratory disease COVID-19 say a loss of the sense... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-21 奥斯卡获奖插画师、动画师、电影导演和制作人吉恩戴奇(Gene Deitch)于布拉格去世,享年95岁。 Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator, animator, film director and producer known for his direction of Tom and Jerry and some of the Popeye the Sailo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-20 由于骑车上下班的人需要更多空间保持身体距离,德国城市重划道路标识,在新冠肺炎疫情封锁期间扩充自行车道。3月27日,柏林克罗伊茨贝格区地方政府尝试临时扩充两条自行车道,理由是在德国新冠肺炎疫情限制措施期间,路面汽车流量减少,扩充自行车道可以帮助骑车者按规... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-20 IDK about you, but I consider myself obsessed with any and all things Harry Potter-related. So when news broke that Ronald WeasleyI mean, Rupert Grint...sorryis expecting his first child, I (and the rest of the fandom) naturally freaked TF out. Espe... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-16 A Chinese hospital in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province shared its COVID-19 treatment experience via a video conference with medical institutions from Italy and Spain Tuesday night. The conference was jointly launched by the China Health Promotion F... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-04-14 世界公民组织和世界卫生组织公布了一期直播援助式演唱会《同一个世界:共同在家》,致敬全球医护人员,并为联合国基金会的新冠肺炎疫情应对基金提供支持。这场演唱会由Lady Gaga组织,你会看到保罗麦卡特尼、史提夫汪达、比莉艾利什和莉佐的表演,大卫贝克汉姆等非音乐... 阅读全文>> |