• 喀麦隆成为网络威胁热点国家

    09-12-02 More than one third of African country Cameroon's websites pose a security risk to surfers according to a new report by security expert McAfee. 计算机安全专家麦咖啡的一项新报告称,非洲国家喀麦隆超过三分之一的网站使上网者处于危险之中。 Ireland's doma...

  • 美夫妇混入白宫蹭国宴

    09-11-28 Crashing a state dinner at the White House apparently takes a security breakdown as well as some kind of nerve. 擅闯白宫国宴除需要一些勇气外,显然还要突破重重安全防线。 Michaele and Tareq Salahi at the White House state dinner in Washington on Tuesd...

  • Pakistan rocked by fresh attacks 巴基斯坦遭受一系列恐怖袭击

    09-10-16 A series of gun and bomb attacks on security forces in Pakistan has killed about 40 people. 巴基斯坦安全保卫部队遭受一系列枪击、炸弹袭击,造成大约40人死亡。 In Lahore, police and militants fought gun battles at a federal security building and two po...

  • Microsoft readies bumper update 微软将发布安全补丁

    09-10-13 Microsoft will issue its biggest ever security update on 13 October. 微软将于10月13日发布最大的安全补??One of the updates is for the yet to be released Windows 7 The update will include 13 bulletins that between them tackle 34 vulnerabilities(脆...

  • 地铁“安检” security check

    09-09-12 作为奥运会结束后北京地铁保留的一项措施,地铁安检已经被越来越多的乘客所接受。截至今年三月,北京地铁累计检查出各类易燃易爆违禁品3.7万余件。为确保国庆期间的安全状况,北京地铁系统业已恢复到奥运会期间逢包必检的水平。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Subway secur...

  • 安全警戒线 security cordon

    09-09-12 8月30日晚,巴基斯坦为驻阿富汗北约部队运送物资的补给车和油罐车在巴阿边境遭到塔利班武装袭击,25辆车被烧毁,并造成人员伤亡。 请看新华社的报道: According to officials, unidentified men fired rockets at the containers and NATO oil tankers in Chaman area...

  • Iraqi PM orders security review 伊拉克总理命令安全检查

    09-08-20 Iraq's prime minister has ordered a security review after the deadliest series of attacks in the country this year left 95 people dead in Baghdad. 伊拉克总理命令对最近一系列致死攻击进行安全检查,今年巴格达已经有95人死亡。 Wednesday's attacks killed...

  • US cyber-security tsar steps down 美国网络安全官员请辞

    09-08-05 The White House's acting cyber-security tsar has resigned from her post, according to the Wall Street Journal. 华尔街日报报道,白宫代理网络安全官员已辞职。 President Obama emphasised cybersecurity while campaigning Melissa Hathaway told the paper sh...

  • Apple fix to iPhone security flaw 苹果发布iPhone安全补丁

    09-08-02 Apple has released a software patch to address a recently described security flaw in the iPhone. 苹果已经公布一个iPhone安全补??Google said that it had already patched the weakness Experts revealed on Thursday that modified SMS messages could resul...

  • Security boosted in north Nigeria 尼日利亚北部加强安全措施

    09-07-28 The Nigerian authorities have stepped up security across the north of the country, following two days of violence in which at least 100 people have died. 尼日利亚当局已经开始干预国家北部的安全问题,两天以来的暴力事件导致至少100人死亡。 Offices and b...