• 牛津大学研发新方法 五分钟识别新冠病毒

    20-10-20 Scientists from Britains University of Oxford have developed a rapid Covid-19 test able to identify the coronavirus in less than five minutes, researchers said on Thursday, adding it could be used in mass testing at airports and businesses. 研究人员...

  • 世卫组织:群体免疫抗疫是“不道德的”

    20-10-20 Using the principle of so-called herd immunity to stem the COVID-19 pandemic is unethical and not an option countries should pursue to defeat the virus, the UN health agency chief warned on Monday. 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞警告称,用所谓的群体免疫原...

  • 新冠病毒在屏幕表面上可以存活28天

    20-10-20 The virus that causes COVID-19 can last up to 28 days on surfaces such as mobile phone and ATM screens much longer than previously thought but lasts for much less time on softer surfaces, new CSIRO research shows. 澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织的一...

  • 全球新冠肺炎死亡病例超百万

    20-09-30 The number of people worldwide who have died with Covid-19 has passed one million, researchers say, with many regions still reporting surging numbers of new infections. 研究人员说,全球新冠肺炎死亡病例已超过100万例,许多地区报告的新增感染病例数量仍...

  • serving chopsticks 公筷

    20-09-15 公筷顾名思义就是公用的筷子,换句话说,这是起到一个服务作用的筷子。 总而言之,public更强调大众而serve更强调服务。所以公筷的英语是serving chopsticks。 同一个道理,公勺就应该说serving spoon。 In order to stop the spread of the virus, wed better use ser...

  • 调查:全球74%成人愿接种新冠疫苗

    20-09-03 Around 74% of adults globally are willing to get immunized against the coronavirus if a vaccine became available -- but that may not be enough to defeat the fast-spreading virus, according to a survey released Tuesday. 9月1日发布的一项调查称,如果能...

  • 巴西某旅游景点只对新冠康复游客开放

    20-09-01 One of Brazils most celebrated tourist destinations, the paradisiacal archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, has announced it is reopening to outsiders as long as they have had Covid-19. 巴西最著名的旅游目的地之一、天堂般的费尔南多迪诺罗尼亚群岛宣布重...

  • Medical Workers' Day 医师节

    20-08-27 在中国医师节到来之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平向全国广大医务工作者致以节日的祝贺。 President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, ha...

  • 新冠病毒变异体可能更具传染性

    20-08-25 An increasingly common mutation of the novel coronavirus found in Europe, North America and parts of Asia may be more infectious but appears less deadly, according to a prominent infectious diseases doctor. 一位杰出的传染病医师指出,在欧洲、北美和亚...

  • aerosol transmission 气溶胶传播

    20-02-11 The novel coronavirus normally does not suspend or float in the air for long, and currently no evidence has shown that the new virus can be transmitted through aerosol, Feng Luzhao, a researcher of infectious diseases with the Chinese Center for Dis...