• 科研人员在哥伦比亚发现寨卡病毒

    16-01-27 In October 2015, a team of researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Universidad de Sucre in Colombia ran the first tests confirming the presence of Zika virus transmission in the South American country. In a study published today [Jan...

  • 中国科学家对抗埃博拉病毒取得重大突破

    16-01-15 Scientists have discovered how the Ebola virus enters cells and infects humans, marking a major breakthrough in the battle against the virus after the deadly outbreak in West Africa in March 2014. 科学家已经发现埃博拉病毒如何入侵人体细胞并造成感染,...

  • 《好汉两个半》主演查理·辛染艾滋

    15-11-29 Charlie Sheen said his bad-boy days are over and, with Tuesday's declaration that he's HIV-positive, he aims to become an inspiration to others. 查理辛称自己的花花公子岁月已经过去,而在17日的声明中查理表示他的艾滋病病毒测试呈阳性,希望其他人以自己为...

  • 利比里亚发现埃博拉病毒性传播案例

    15-10-16 A suspected case of sexual transmission of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Liberia was confirmed using genomic analysis, thanks to in-country laboratory capabilities established by U.S. Army scientists in collaboration with the Liberian Institute for B...

  • 呕吐可使诺罗病毒烟雾化

    15-08-20 Using a vomiting device of their creation, researchers at North Carolina State University and Wake Forest University are reporting the first direct evidence that vomiting can aerosolize virus particles similar to human norovirus. Epidemiological evi...

  • 中国首例中东呼吸综合症患者目前情况稳定

    15-06-10 Health authorities have announced that China's first-ever MERS case remains in stable condition. 中国卫生当局宣布,国内首例中东呼吸综合症患者目前情况稳定。 The patient, a South Korean, is still receiving medical treatment in Huizhou city, Guangdong...

  • 阻止丙肝病毒复制的关键步骤

    15-05-21 New research from the University of Southampton has identified how changes in the cell membrane play a pivotal role in how the Hepatitis C virus replicates. By understanding this process, the researchers hope to investigate how to prevent the change...

  • 埃博拉病毒粒子的组成机理

    15-05-11 The Ebola virus (EBOV) causes lethal hemorrhagic fever in humans, with extremely high morbidity and mortality. It was first discovered in two simultaneous outbreaks near the Ebola River in sub-Saharan Africa in 1976. Sporadic outbreaks followed unti...

  • 青春期少男注射乳突瘤病毒疫苗可预防口咽部鳞癌

    15-04-14 A new study indicates that vaccinating 12-year-old boys against the humanpapilloma virus (HPV) may be a cost-effective strategy for preventing oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer, a cancer that starts at the back of the throat and mouth, and involves...

  • 北美地区发现一种新型农作物病毒

    15-04-13 The switchgrass exhibited mosaic symptoms--splotchy, discolored leaves--characteristic of a viral infection, yet tested negative for known infections. Deep sequencing, a new technology, revealed the plants were infected with a new virus in the genus...