• 能追踪蚊子踪迹的APP

    16-05-14 Smartphones are being used to combat the dreaded mosquito in Italy, with a new app that tracks the location of the blood-sucking pests. 意大利人很怕蚊子,于是用上智能手机来抵御蚊害:一种新开发的应用程序将能追踪到这种吮血物种的形迹。 The free app, ca...

  • 寨卡病毒能影响老鼠胚胎发育

    16-05-12 The Zika virus strain circulating in Brazil was shown to be able to infect and cause damage to mice fetuses. In stem cell cultures of the human nervous system, the virus infection resulted in the cell death. Compared to the virus circulating in Afri...

  • 中国科学家计算出寨卡病毒NS1蛋白质的结构

    16-04-20 Chinese scientists say they have worked out the structure of the Zika virus NS1 protein. 中国科学家表示,他们已经计算出寨卡病毒NS1蛋白质的结构。 The discovery could help researchers develop a vaccine for the virus which is transmitted by the Aedes a...

  • 中国将加强对黄热病病毒的检疫措施

    16-03-15 China will tighten quarantine measures against the yellow fever virus, authorities said on Monday, one day after the nation's first imported case was confirmed. 中国政府周一宣布,将会加强对黄热病病毒的检疫措施,此前一天中国首例输入型黄热病病例已被确...

  • 改变蚊子的遗传基因可能控制寨卡病毒传播

    16-03-15 Genetic cues from male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes passed on during sex affect which genes are turned on or off in a females' reproductive tract post-mating, including genes related to blood feeding, egg development and immune defense, according to new...

  • 通过短信盗取用户信息的新式手机病毒

    16-02-26 Recently, China's Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) has intercepted a new type of phone virus among Chinese phone users, CCTV news reported. 中国中央电视台新闻报道,国家计算机病毒应急处理中心近期在手机用户中截获一种新式手机病毒。 The...

  • 如何对付寨卡病毒

    16-02-26 Health officials, drug companies, governments and the public are scrambling to understand and combat the Zika virus. The virus was first identified almost 70 years ago, but little is known about it. And now, officials suspect it could be related to...

  • 中国科学家已解码寨卡病毒基因组

    16-02-23 Chinese scientists have sequenced the genome of the country's first imported Zika virus, helping with prevention and diagnosis. 中国科学家已经测序寨卡病毒的基因组,这将对该病毒的预防与诊断有帮助作用。 This will lay the foundation for understanding t...

  • 寨卡病毒可以突破胎盘屏障

    16-02-22 Zika virus has been detected in the amniotic fluid of two pregnant women whose foetuses had been diagnosed with microcephaly, according to a study published today in The Lancet Infectious Diseases. The report suggests that Zika virus can cross the p...

  • 俄罗斯发现第一例传入性寨卡病毒病例

    16-02-16 Russia has confirmed its first case of the Zika virus. 俄罗斯已有第一例寨卡病毒确诊报告。 The infected woman had visited the Dominican Republic. She's said to be in satisfactory condition in an infectious diseases hospital. It's been confirmed the p...