• 英国上班族首选同事倾诉秘密

    11-06-18 Millions of workers confide in their colleagues rather than their partners, a study has revealed. 一项研究揭示,英国数百万上班族更愿意向同事而非伴侣倾诉秘密。 It found that, with two thirds of Britons feeling like they spend most of their lives at w...

  • 七成英国人曾被上次刁难

    11-06-18 Brits are among the most bullied workers in the world - with a staggering seven in ten having been picked on by bosses or colleagues, a new study found. 一项新研究发现,英国人在职场上所受的欺凌是全世界最多的,多达七成的英国人曾经被上司或同事刁难。 M...

  • 葡萄牙工会将举行大罢工

    10-11-24 Portugal's unions hope to bring the country to a near standstill on Wednesday as they stage a general strike in protest at planned wage cuts. 葡萄牙工会希望在星期三举行一场大罢工使国家处于停滞状态,此次罢工旨在抗议工资削减计划。 Transport, industry...

  • 奥巴马演讲 这就是需要做的工作2

    10-10-18 By investing in these projects, weve already created hundreds of thousands of jobs. But the fact remains that nearly one in five construction workers is still unemployed and needs a job. And that makes absolutely no sense at a time when there is so...

  • 法国民众罢工抗议退休改革

    10-10-16 10月12日,法国铁路、邮政、电信、公共交通、民航等公共服务部门以及私营部门的员工再次走上街头,反对目前正在参议院审议的退休制度改革法案。这是自今年9月以来,法国举行的第4次全国性反对退休改革的罢工游行活动。 Teachers, train drivers, oil refinery workers...

  • 欧盟民众将举行反紧缩抗议活动

    10-09-29 Thousands of people from across the EU are expected to march in Brussels to protest against sweeping austerity measures by many national governments. 欧盟成千上万人将汇聚于布鲁塞尔举行示威活动,抗议多个欧盟国家政府推行的彻底紧缩措施。 Workers in man...

  • 古巴将削减100万政府部门岗位

    10-09-14 Cuba has announced radical plans to lay off huge numbers of state employees, to help revive the communist country's struggling economy. 古巴政府宣布激进计划:解雇数目庞大的政府雇员,以帮助恢复这个共产主义国家衰退的经济。 Cuba's government employs ab...

  • 八成以上工人认为工作安全是第一位的

    10-08-31 85 percent rate workplace safety first in importance among labor standards, even ahead of family and maternity leave(产假) , minimum wage, paid sick days, overtime pay and the right to join a union, according to a new study from the National Opini...

  • 南非集结军队对抗罢工工人

    10-08-20 South Africa's army has been called in to protect hospitals from striking public sector workers. 南非政府调集军队以保护医院免受国营部门工人罢工的破坏。 More than a million civil servants(公务员) began an indefinite strike on Wednesday, calling for...

  • 南非工人开始大罢工

    10-08-19 Public sector workers in South Africa have begun an open-ended strike, having rejected the government's offer of a pay rise. 南非国营经济部门职工拒绝了政府的加薪提议,开始了一场无限期的大罢工。 Unions affiliated with(交往,参加) Cosatu, South Afri...