日期:2013-03-15 SHI MINGSHENG, NPC deputy and abbot of the Guangxiao Temple in Guangzhou, Guangdong province Every citizen should care about politics and have the consciousness of responsibility as well as love for our compatriots. And a monk should, also. 每个公民... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-15 Zhou Xinsheng, member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice-chairman of Shaanxi provincial committee of China Democratic National Construction Association, commenting on Chinese people asking for special treatment by using their social relationsh... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-10 ZHANG LIJUN, member of the CPPCC National Committee and former vice-minister of environmental protection There are ways to control air (pollution), but we need stronger determination to control it. 治理空气,现在办法是有的,关键是看下多大决心。 ZHAO... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-10 ZHONG NANSHAN, NPC deputy and academic with the Chinese Academy of Engineering I am a doctor and I prefer to speak frankly. A person's health is related first to eating, drinking and air. Any kind of development will be nothing if the quality of foo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-10 Imron Cotan, Indonesian ambassador to China It is very reassuring to learn that the government of China has set a target of 7.5 percent GDP growth while trying to keep inflation at a manageable level. It will not only maintain China's prosperity, bu... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-10 Zhu Yongxin, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, full-time vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy and vice-president of the Chinese Society of Education, talking about an NPC deputy representing... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-10 Zong Qinghou, chairman of Hangzhou Wahaha Group and a deputy of the National People's Congress. Zong topped the Hurun Rich List 2013 with a total wealth of 82 billion yuan ($13 billion). I will not emigrate to another country because I am not famili... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-05 原文 鸿渐知道这些话虽然对自己说,而主要是记载在日记和回忆录里给天下后世看方遯翁怎样教子以义方的。(钱钟书 - 《围城》 ) 译文 Hung-chien knew that while these remarks were said to him, they were intended primarily to be recorded in a diary or in memo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-05 Kill with a Borrowed Sword 借刀杀人 探源 Origin 英文:During the Spring and Autumn Period, there were three fearless warriors in Qi by the name of Gongsun Jie, Tian Kaijiang and Gu Yezi. They were very arrogant because of the accomplishments on the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-05 Clamor in the East, Attack in the West 声东击西 探源 Origin 英文:At the end of the Eastern Han, there was a peasant uprising that became known as the Yellow Scarves Rebellion. The government sent Zhu Jun to suppress the insurgents of the Yellow Sca... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-05 如今灰字成了现代词汇的一个重要词素。如国家纪检部门(discipline inspection department)三番五次大力清理的所谓灰色收入(grey income);金融界有灰色市场(grey market)。灰色的经济和活动等不同于黑色手段,往往不违反法律或打擦边球、钻法律的空子(exploit l... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-05 这虞姬她怎么演,也得有一死。 The concubine has to die one way or the other. 连楚霸王都跪下来求饶了,京戏能不亡吗? But now even the King of Chu is on his knees begging for mercy, can Peking opera survive this indignity? 人纵有万般能耐,终也敌不过天... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-05 你这个贱人,你不会有好下场!我不会放过你!你一定不得好死! 英文字幕:You're a scumbag! You won't have a happy ending! I'll get even with you! You'll die a tragic death! 看到贱人这个词估计大家第一反应就是bitch。不过这里用的是scumbag一词,这个词在俚语... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-05 原文: 春天,春天怎么还不来? 我心里的花儿早已开! 唉!!!我的爱(钱钟书 - 《围城》 ) 译文: Spring, spring, oh why has it not come? The flowers in my heart already are in bloom! Oh, my love --(美 Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao 译 Fortress Besieged)... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-05 Loot a Burning House 趁火打劫 探源 Origin 英文:In the story of Journey to the West, Xuan Zang and his disciples embarked on a pilgrimage to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures. They passed through a temple on the way to their destination. The abbot... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-05 萝卜招聘是网上一个新词,讽刺有些地方招聘公务员采取量身定做(tailor made)的办法。比如有一个单位要招聘,却搞暗箱操作(manipulation behind the the scenes,scenes本意指舞台背景,这里不宜用black box一词,因为black box是飞机上的黑匣子),招工规定的学历、... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-05 Await the Exhausted Enemy at Your Ease 以逸待劳 英文注释:It is an advantage to choose the time and place for battle. In this way you know when and where the battle will take place, while your enemy does not. Encourage your enemy to expend his energ... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-02-01 知识分子 intellectual是知识分子,the intellectuals是指某时某地的一切知识分子。作形容词用时intellectual和intelligent不同,intellectual比intelligent高,人类以外的动物可能intelligent,但只有人类才可能intellectual。猴子会做戏,表示intelligent,却并不表... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-02-01 大材小用:a great talent gone to waste 有时也作大才小用,这里译为a great talent gone to waste,除此之外,我们还常译为big talent wasted on a petty job; not do justice to one's talents。同类表达还有屈才(do work unworthy of one's talents)。大材等同于... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-02-01 例句:Bill always has a ready answer for all the problems we meet, because he can think on his feet. 原译:比尔对我们遇到的问题总有现成的回答,因为他能站着思考。 辨析:原译在词序上做了适当调整,把遇到的问题移到回答之前,这是值得肯定的。不过措辞上还... 阅读全文>> |