日期:2017-04-13 当然不能直白地翻译成melon-eating masses/people。 如果真的是不明真相的无辜分子,大抵可以翻译成the people/ public who are kept in the dark或者the people who are unaware of the truth。 但事实上,这些群众未必是对真相全然不知,他们只是随着自己的心意表达... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-25 场景一:做清洁 方言:扫归一了,就把东西还原 翻译:When you have finished sweeping put things back where they belong. 方言:洗的时候,桌子脚脚不打脏 翻译:When you are washing (the floor), you must not dirty the legs of the table. 方言:角角上要好生... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-09 啃老族指既没有上学也没有就业或接受职业技能培训但必须依靠父母养活的青年人。在英国英语中,NEET指啃老族的一员,NEET group指啃老族群体。NEET是Not Currently Engaged in Education, Employment or Training 或Not in Education, Employment or Training的缩略语。... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-09 所谓官话,就是在英语中,故意用复杂、夸张的词汇,来代替简单、平易的词汇,以便让人感觉到文章具有某种重要性,从而达到唬人的效果。比如方法和技术这两个意思,原本用method和technique来表达就可以了,而白宫发言人却喜欢用methodology和technology来表达。分析这... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-09 If you do not leave me, I will by your side until the life end. 翻译一:如果你不离开我,我们会死在一起。 翻译二:如果不滚开,我就和你同归于... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-09 一、增译主语 由于英文表达习惯,常常用一些抽象名词作为主语,而中文的表达习惯则需要把抽象变为具体;英文中常常会为了避免重复而多用介词,中文则不怕重复,一个词会用上好几遍;英语中的复数名词译为汉语时,常常加入这些、各种、种种等,要视具体语境情况而定。 T... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-09 有钱就是任性 Rich and Bitch 也是醉了 Are you kidding me? 这画面太美我不敢看 It's so beautiful that I'm too scared to open it. 只想安静地做个美男子 I just want to be a quiet and handsome man. 那么问题来了 So the question is 且行且珍惜 It is to be che... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-09 1. newly rich:新富;暴发户 2. upstart:柯林斯高阶词典的解释是You can refer to someone as an upstart when they behave as if they are important, but you think that they are too new in a place or job to be treated as important.翻译成中文就是暴发户、新... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-09 1. 朋友越走越近,邻居越走越亲 Friends and neighbors become closer when they visit each other more often. 2. 志同道合 People who cherish the same ideals follow the same path. 3. 亚洲各国就像一盏盏明灯,只有串联并联起来,才能让亚洲的夜空灯火辉煌。 Asi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-09 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 这个成语我们可以翻译成:a quarrel which benefits only a third party 或者借用英语中一句相应的俗语:When shepherds quarrel, the wolf has a winning game。这句俗语翻译成中文,也有螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后的意思。借用英语中的固定表达法来翻译... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-03-22 以权谋公而不能谋私。 Government power can only be used for public good not for personal gains. 我想站在互联网+的风口上顺势而为,会使中国经济飞起来。 I believe with the tail wind generated by our Internet Plus strategy, we will be able to bring Chine... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-11-21 For a Better Future of the China-New Zealand Relations 共同描绘中新关系更加美好的未来 Tonight, I will begin my first visit to New Zealand as the President of the People's Republic of China, bringing with me the friendly sentiments of the Chinese peo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-11-16 共同应对全球性挑战。在后国际金融危机时期,我们既要抓住经济增长这个核心加强宏观政策的协调,又要妥善应对流行性疾... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-11-16 1. 有路才能人畅其行,物畅其流 With roads in place, people and goods can flow. 要想知道带点文绉绉的话语怎么翻,这句就是范例。 2. 朋友越走越近,邻居越走越亲 Friends and neighbors become closer when they visit each other more often. 这句通俗白话实际上... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-11-16 我们有责任为本地区人民创造和实现亚太梦想。 We are duty-bound to create and fulfill an Asia-Pacific dream for our people. 亚太发展前景取决于今天的决断和行动。 The development prospect of our region hinges on the decisions and actions we take today.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-10-14 中国经济有巨大韧性、潜力和回旋余地。 China's economy is highly resilient and has much potential and ample space to grow. 我们更加关注结构调整等长期问题,不随单项指标的短期小幅波动而起舞。 We focused more on structural readjustment and other long-ter... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-08-06 无信不立。 One cannot be successful without trust. 坚持睦邻友好,增强相互信任。 The two countries shall maintain their relationship of good neighborliness and friendship and enhance mutual trust. 当前,中韩关系正面临大发展的机遇,给两国关系发展注入... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-08-06 freak 同样也有怪人的意思,但也可以指畸形。另外,freak还常指那些对某些事情格外热衷、狂热的人,比如:a fitness freak (健身狂),a movie freak (电影迷)。 例:He's going out with a real freak。 他的约会对象真奇葩。 geek 随着网络文化的兴起,美国俚语geek被... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-06-25 煎饼果子 Pancake rolled with crisp fritter 面窝 Chinese doughnut 三鲜豆皮 Seafood tofu 热干面 Hot-and-dry noodles 艇仔粥 Tingzai porridge 肠粉 Steamed vermicelli roll 干蒸烧卖 Siu Mai (Steamed pork dumplings) 榴莲酥 Crispy durian cake 虾饺 Steamed s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-28 实施产业合作工程 cooperation in industry 实施金融合作工程 cooperation in finance 实施减贫合作工程 cooperation in poverty reduction 实施生态环保合作工程 cooperation in ecological protection 实施人文交流合作工程 cooperation in people-to-people exchang... 阅读全文>> |