日期:2011-10-07 Swedish poet Tomas Transtroemer has been awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize for Literature. 瑞典诗人托马斯特朗斯特罗姆被授予2011年诺贝尔文学奖。 Transtroemer is Scandinavia's best-known living poet The Royal Swedish Academy named him the recipient because... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-10-06 A Chinese vase from the early Ming period has been sold for $21.6m - a world record at auction for any item of Ming porcelain. 一件中国明朝早期的花瓶被拍卖出2160万美元创下明朝任何瓷器的拍卖价之最。 The Ming vase belongs to a collection of Chinese po... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-30 Cities in Iran, India, Pakistan and the capital of Mongolia rank among the worst on the planet for air pollution, while those in the US and Canada are among the best, according to the first global survey, released Monday by the World Health Organiza... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-30 The family that owns Germany's luxury car manufacturer BMW has ended decades of silence about its role during the Nazi era and admitted to taking over scores of Jewish businesses and using tens of thousands of slave labourers at its factories during... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-30 今年冬天堆雪人的时候小心有人告你侵权哦。纽约一名男子近日获得了美国专利商标局授予的堆雪人专利权,消息一出,便引起一片哗然。 Ignacio Marc Asperas, of Melville, New York, has been granted an astonishing patent for facilitating the construction of a sno... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-30 沙特阿拉伯国王周日宣布,自下届地方政府委员会选举开始,女性将获得选举权和被选举权。不过,由于本届选举将于本周开始投票,申请参... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-28 Colombian singer Shakira will receive the Recording Academy person of the year at the Latin Grammys in November. 哥伦比亚歌手夏奇拉将在今年11月接受由美国录音学院颁发的拉丁格莱美奖。 Shakira's 2002 single Whenever, Wherever helped her achieve worldwi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-25 People who smoke could lose around one third of their everyday memory, researchers say. 研究人员称,吸烟者会丧失约三分之一的日常记忆。 A study by a team at Northumbria University has shown that smokers lose more of their memory when compared to non-... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-25 They are regularly accused of being too confident even cocky but the highest achievers are more often than not those who over-rate their ability. 他们经常因为太过自信甚至自负而遭到指责,然而成就最高的人往往是那些过高估计自身能力的人。 Now researcher... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-24 巴基斯坦信德省的教育部门近日表示,将在该地区学校试点开设中文普通话必修课,计划从6年级开始实行。该省教育厅长表示:我们与中国的贸易、教育以及其他方面的关系在不断发展,所以让下一代掌握中国的语言是很必要的。 Lessons in Mandarin could become compulsory f... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-22 Google's executive chairman has denied that the company fixes its search results to promote its own websites and services. 谷歌执行总裁否认了其搜索引擎锁定搜索结果以促进谷歌旗下网站和服务发展的说法。 Eric Schmidt told a congressional hearing in Wash... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-21 Breathing in heavy traffic fumes can trigger a heart attack, say UK experts. 英国专家称,长期暴露于交通尾气中会诱发心脏... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-17 Americans are turning away from Europe toward Asia, according to a survey released on Wednesday showing, for the first time, most US citizens thought China and Japan were more important to their national interest. 周三发布的一项调查显示,美国人的关... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-17 They say money doesn't grow on trees. But it certainly appears to do so on the mysterious coin-studded trunks dotted around the UK's woodland. 众所周知,天上不会掉馅饼,树上也不会长钱,但在遍布英国的林地里,却长满了神秘的嵌满硬币的摇钱树。 Woodland... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-17 Commuters in Toronto and Montreal may spend a lot of time in their cars, but a new survey shows they have a relatively stress-free commute compared with others. 多伦多和蒙特利尔的通勤上班族花在路上的时间可能就不短了,但一项最新调查表明,和其它城市相... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-17 It's the lesson Scrooge learned the hard way - and now a study has revealed the moral behind Dickens' classic A Christmas Carol may be true after all. 这是斯克鲁奇历经苦难才学到的东西,如今一项研究揭示,狄更斯的经典作品《圣诞颂歌》背后的寓意也许是正... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-16 The Nepalese capital of Kathmandu is hosting its first ever literary festival with 60 Nepali and international writers taking part. 尼泊尔首都加德满都正在举办第一届文学节,将有60位尼泊尔和国际作家参加。 They are gathering in the ancient palace of Pa... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-15 A report has identified 16 companies from across the developing world that are best showing how to grow profits at the same time as actively tackling environmental and social challenges. 一份报告列出了发展中国家的16家公司,这些公司以能和谐处理盈利、... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-11 The US has tumbled further down a global ranking of the world's most competitive economies, landing at fifth place because of its huge deficits and declining public faith in government, a global economic group said Wednesday. 一个全球经济组织周三称... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-09-11 They may be witnessing their global superpower influence decline in the face of challenges from other emerging players on the world stage, but Americans have been voted the world's coolest nationality in an international poll. 面对世界舞台上其他新兴... 阅读全文>>

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