日期:2012-07-21 An apartment that is believed to be the most expensive one-bedroom property in the world is on sale in Tokyo with a price tag of a cool Y1.8 billion. 位于日本东京的一栋公寓以18亿日元的价格出售,成为世界上最昂贵的单卧室公寓。 House Minami-Azabu is in... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-21 今夏,美国各地遭遇高温天气,各家的草坪也因此变得枯黄,甚至干死。不过,纽约和新泽西州一些社区的草坪却格外翠绿,原因是他们的主人给这些草坪喷了纯植物的绿漆。 Despite the summer's persistent heat waves, the grass really is greener in some neighborhoods... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-21 新组建的法国社会党政府宣布对富人增税后,不少法国富豪开始争相将财产转移至英国和瑞士等富人友好型国家。 Looming(正在逼近的) tax hikes by France's new socialist government have triggered an exodus(大批的离去) of the Gallic super-rich to 'wealth-frie... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-20 Vodafone has seen its sales growth slow in the first quarter, dragged down by a weak performance in Europe. 受欧洲地区业绩欠佳的影响,沃达丰今年第一季度销售增长缓慢。 Vodafone is the world's largest mobile operator by revenue Group service revenue g... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-20 Heineken has made a bid to buy the remaining stake in Tiger beer maker Asia Pacific Breweries (APB) that it does not already own. 喜力啤酒欲购买虎牌啤酒生产商亚太酿酒公司的剩余股份。 Heineken is expanding in emerging markets with accquisition in Mex... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-20 Technology firm Yahoo has revealed the remuneration package it has offered to new chief executive Marissa Mayer could top $70m. 科技公司雅虎透露,公司给新总裁玛丽莎梅耶尔开出的薪酬高达7000万美元。 Marissa Mayer's basic salary will be $1m a year Ms M... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-20 The US military will for the first time allow its members to wear uniform at a gay pride march. 美国军方将首次允许士兵在同志骄傲游行中穿军装。 The permission was granted for the Gay Pride Parade in San Diego, California, on Saturday, a military-wide... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-20 Google has launched a text message-based version of its email service targeted at users in Africa. 谷歌在非洲发布一种文本信息格式的电子邮件服务。 Gmail SMS can run on so-called dumb phones which only have very basic features and no access to the int... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-19 Some 12 million children across South Africa have sung a specially composed song as part of official celebrations for Nelson Mandela's 94th birthday. 南非大约1200万儿童演唱了一首特别为纳尔逊曼德拉94岁生日谱写的歌曲。 Mr Mandela spent the day at home... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-18 The CEO of Denver-based internet start-up FullContact API said in a market that is competitive for top talent, he wants to keep his employees happy and refreshed. 美国丹佛的网络初创公司FullContact API的总裁巴特-洛朗表示,在各家争相雇佣顶级人才的竞争... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-18 Government officials believe aliens may visit Earth and suggest harnessing UFO technology for UK defences, files say. 在英政府公布的一批有关UFO的机密文档中,英政府官员称外星人可能造访地球,并提议利用外星人高超的飞行器技术为英国国防服务。 Documents f... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-18 A pacu fish, known for eating human testicles, has been captured in Lake Lou Yaeger in Illinois, the Department of Natural Resources has stated. The fish is a relative of the piranha, which is known for its sharp teeth and vicious nature. 美国自然资... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-18 Eighty-three percent of American physicians have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association. 美国医患医学会的一项调查显示,83%的美... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-18 In a spirit of gratitude and giving back to the parents who raised them, Bill and Jackie Merz's daughters have extended a generous invitation. 比尔默茨和杰基默茨夫妇的女儿们一心想要感谢和回报父母的养育之恩,对他们慷慨相邀。 They both live in Chicago... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-17 Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise and actress Katie Holmes settled their divorce on Monday, taking less than two weeks to end a nearly six-year marriage that captivated the world and prompted questions about raising their daughter in the Church of Scie... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-17 How would you react if you were approached on the street and handed an envelope filled with money? No seeming rhyme nor reason. 若你走在大街上,有陌生人莫名其妙地凑过来递给你一个装着钱的信封,你会作何反应? You are lucky, you are told. But with this... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-17 A key aide of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is to be awarded a prestigious degree by one of Britain's top universities. Lamis Omar has been studying for a doctorate at Durham, and is likely to receive her PhD in September. 叙利亚总统巴沙尔阿萨德的... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-17 The fury over the ill-fated pasty tax should have warned David Cameron to stay well clear of Britain's high street eateries. But the prime minister wandered into a caf for a cup of coffee to a decidedly frosty reception when he was told to get in li... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-16 荷兰一些地方议员最近提议对错误预报天气状况的预报员进行罚款,称这些糟糕的预报严重影响了当地的海滩旅游经济。 Local councillors in the Netherlands are calling for weather forecasters who get their predictions wrong to be fined. The demand comes from La... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-16 德国黑森林地区特里堡小镇的一个新停车场为了方便女性停车,特意将宽敞、易停,且照明条件好的停车位划为女性专用;而将靠近停车场边墙和水泥柱、必须倒进去停车的位置划给男驾驶员。该镇镇长解释说,这样划分主要是因为男性的停车技术一般都比女性好。 A German mayor... 阅读全文>> |