日期:2012-08-11 Fashion tycoon Amancio Ortega, owner of clothing chain Zara, has toppled Warren Buffett in the place the world's third richest man, with a fortune of 30billion. Zara服装连锁店老总、时尚教主阿曼西奥奥特加取代沃伦巴菲特成为世界第三首富,身家达300亿英... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-11 London Olympic organizers are investigating how a bucket of Australian-tagged condoms found its way into the athletes' village without official consent. 伦敦奥组委正在调查,澳大利亚生产的一批避孕套是如何未经官方许可就被带进了奥运村。 Australian BMX... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-11 Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympic athlete of all time, has revealed what no sports fan wants to hear that Olympic swimmers occasionally relieve themselves in the pool. 到目前为止个人获得金牌总数最多的奥运游泳选手迈克尔菲尔普斯揭露了任何体育... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-11 A beer bottle thrown from the stands landed near Usain Bolt in the moments before the 100-meter final Sunday night in London. 上周日晚,伦敦奥运会百米大战开赛前,一名男子往赛场上扔了一个啤酒瓶,瓶子落在了冠军得主尤塞恩-博尔特脚后。 A beer bottle thr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-11 喀麦隆体育代表团团长表示,有七名该国运动员上周末从奥运村消失,其中包括五名拳击运动员,一名游泳运动员,以及一名女足队员。这些运动员消失的原因尚不清楚,不过有传言称他们是因为经济原因想留在英国。 Seven Cameroonian athletes have disappeared while in Bri... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-10 The funeral of Ghanaian President John Atta Mills, who died suddenly in July, is to be held in the capital Accra. 加纳总统约翰阿塔米尔斯的葬礼将在首都阿克拉举行,他暴毙于七月份。 Thousands of Ghanaians are expected to attend, as well as some 18 Afri... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-09 July was the hottest month the continental US has seen since records began, federal scientists have said. 美国联邦科学家称,七月是美国大陆有记录以来最热的月份。 Last month, the average temperature was 77.6F (25.3C), hotter than the old record from J... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-09 Colombian police have arrested one of the country's main drug lords, Erikson Vargas, who is also known as Sebastian. 哥伦比亚警方逮捕了国内主要毒枭之一,艾瑞克森瓦尔加斯,又名塞巴斯蒂安。 Sebastian had ties with Mexican drug gangs, such as the Zetas... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-09 At least two people have died after two unfinished buildings, where hundreds of people were living illegally, collapsed in the Nigerian capital, Abuja. 尼日利亚首都阿布贾两座未竣工的建筑突然倒塌,至少两人死亡,据悉此前有数百人非法居住在这里。 The BB... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-07 Fires on Spain's Canary Islands have destroyed more than 4,000 hectares of land, including part of a UN World Heritage site. 西班牙加纳利群岛发生火灾,4000多公顷土地被毁坏,其中有一部分属于联合国世界遗产。 Forests are prone to fires after the driest... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-06 Japan is marking the 67th anniversary of the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima in an annual ceremony. 日本正举行第67届广岛核弹袭击纪念。 Tens of thousands of people attended the event, amid growing anti-nuclear sentiment and protests in the country. A... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-04 London mayor Boris Johnson is known for his eccentric methods and publicity stunts, but even he couldn't have planned his latest moment of fame. 伦敦市长鲍里斯-约翰逊因为行事奇特和爱作秀著称,但最近这次出洋相肯定不是他计划好的。 Johnson has been cau... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-04 L.A.'s chief technology officer sends email imploring city workers to stop watching the Olympics online, fearing it could trigger a massive computer crash. 洛杉矶首席技术官给该市的公务员们发邮件,请求他们不要在上班期间在线观看奥运比赛,担心这会引发... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-04 When Bradley Wiggins goes for gold tomorrow afternoon in the men's cycling time trial the Tour de France champion could be forgiven for checking the crowd nervously for the face of the prime minister, who is starting to get a reputation as a bit of... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-04 It takes more than just practice to become an Olympian. Gold medal performances require some serious nutrition. Have you ever wondered what these elite athletes eat to stay in peak shape? 要成为奥运选手,仅仅刻苦训练是不够的。要获得金牌,选手需要特... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-04 Performers from the London 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony are cashing in on their moment in history by selling props and costumes online for thousands of pounds. 伦敦2012奥运会开幕式的表演者们正在网上兜售他们在这一历史时刻的表演道具和服装,售价... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-04 When movie goddess Marilyn Monroe's naked body was found on her bed at her Hollywood home, it was assumed she had killed herself. 当电影女神玛丽莲-梦露被发现裸死在位于好莱坞家中的床上时,人们猜测她死于自杀。 Devastated by tangled affairs with Americ... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-04 参加伦敦奥运会的美国选手获得奖牌后尽享风光的同时,美国国税局已经盯上他们了。获得奖牌的选手所交税额是综合奖牌本身市值和获得的奖金总数后计算得出的,税率为35%。 When Olympic medalists return to the United States, they're in high demand. Everyone, from... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-04 英国《独立报》驻美国的一位记者因为在推特上指责美国NBC电视台延迟转播伦敦奥运会开幕式,并且向网友公布该电视台一位高管的邮箱地址,而被推特暂封帐号。 A British journalist's Twitter account has been suspended after he criticized an American network's Lon... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-03 One woman has died and two dozen people have been injured after a double-decker bus crashed into a concrete bridge pillar in the US state of Illinois. 美国伊利诺伊州一辆双层巴士撞上一支混凝土桥墩,一位女性死亡,另有二十四人受伤。 At least four peopl... 阅读全文>>

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