日期:2012-07-16 南非开普敦郊区的一位农夫为了防止自家农场的羊群被盗,特意给羊配了手机,一旦羊群遭到侵扰开始奔跑,绑在羊颈部的手机就会自动拨通主人的电话,发出警告。 A South African farmer is fielding phone calls from his sheep after equipping them with cell phones to... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-16 法国埃罗省南部吕内勒维耶勒的一家农场为了出产欧洲最优质的牛肉,每天往牛饲料中添加适量红酒。这种培育方式出产的牛肉已建立专属品牌并在巴黎最好的几家餐馆推广。 French cows are enjoying up to two bottles of high quality wine every day as farmers attempt t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-16 美国加州参议院上周以21票对16票通过了一项高速铁路资金提案,这条全长209公里的铁路向两端延伸后将连接洛杉矶和旧金山两大城市,形成美国国内首条高速铁路,总造价预计在680亿美元左右。 California lawmakers have approved financing for a bullet train that would... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-13 Two sophisticated tunnels probably built to smuggle drugs into the United States have been found on the border with Mexico. 美国与墨西哥边境交汇处发现两条复杂的隧道,这可能是为毒品走私而建造的。 The tunnels were more than 200m (656ft) long and had l... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-13 A series of airspace restrictions around London and south-east England are set to be enforced as part of security for the 2012 Olympic Games. 为加强2012年奥运会的安全,伦敦周围以及英格兰东南部地区开始了一系列的航空管理。 The Ministry of Defence said... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-11 Apple has said it will start selling the new iPad in China on 20 July. 苹果将于7月20日开始在中国销售新iPad。 Apple agreed to pay $60m earlier this month to Chinese firm Proview, which claimed it had registered the name in 2000. The dispute led to Ap... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-11 A baby giant panda born at a zoo in Tokyo last week has died, probably from pneumonia, zookeepers have said. 上周在东京某动物园出生的大熊猫幼仔已经死亡,饲养员称可能是死于肺炎。 Shin Shin with her baby just days after keepers realised she was pregna... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-11 Islamist fighters in Timbuktu have destroyed two tombs at the northern Malian city's famous Djingareyber mosque, residents have said. 廷巴克图居民称,伊斯兰教武装分子毁坏了这座马里北部城市著名的Djingareyber清真寺里两座坟墓。 The centuries-old Djinga... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-11 City officials in San Francisco plan to block local government agencies from buying new Apple Macintosh computers. 旧金山市官员计划阻止政府部门购买新款苹果Macintosh电脑。 The move follows the firm's decision to pull out of a green certification sche... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-10 Singapore is proposing changes to its mandatory death penalty for drug trafficking and murder in some cases. 新加坡拟对某些情况下的毒品走私和谋杀所导致的强制死刑做出改变。 Under the proposed changes, the courts will have discretion(自由裁量权) in... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-10 A mystery woman seen attending events with North Korea's Kim Jong-un has led to speculation in South Korean media about her identity. 朝鲜一名神秘的女性与金正恩共同出席活动,引发了媒体对其身份的猜测。 Could the woman be Kim Jong-uns wife... The woma... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-09 At least 42 people have died in a heatwave that has brought soaring temperatures to a dozen US states from the Midwest to the East Coast. 美国中西部至东海岸几个州气温猛增,热浪造成至少42人死亡。 Crops shrivelled(皱缩的) and roads and railway lines... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-09 The BBC has learned that a patient has been diagnosed with cholera in the Cuban capital, Havana. BBC获悉,古巴首都哈瓦那已经出现一例霍乱患者。 More than 50 people were infected and about 1,000 have received medical attention. The authorities say the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-07 A CAFE owner has called in the ghost-hunters after claiming to have seen a spirit on his security camera. 一名茶馆老板称他在其店内监控录像中发现了鬼魂,遂请人捉鬼。 The 'ghost' in the tearoom, shown circled in red Chills went down Dan Clifford's spi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-07 A lawmaker in St. Petersburg has a message for Madonna: keep your pants on. Literally. 俄罗斯圣彼得堡的一位官员向麦当娜发出警告:不要在演唱会当众脱裤子。 City councilman Vitaly Miranov warned the pop star not to step out of line during her upcoming... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-07 The United States government has assured its citizens that, much like zombies, mermaids probably do not exist, saying in an official post: No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found. 美国政府向其公民保证,美人鱼在很大程度上就如僵尸一样,很... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-07 THE MAJORITY of women posting the photos said they did so after falling out with their friends, while nearly a third said they were taking revenge on people who had done the same to them. 多数上传朋友丑照的女性称她们是在和朋友闹翻后才这么做的,而有... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-07 因未能清理居住环境周边的积水和蚊子滋生地,导致登革热病菌传播,斯里兰卡首都科伦坡日前有53人被警方逮捕,他们将面临罚款及最高6个月的入狱处罚。 Police arrested 53 people for failing to eliminate stagnant water(积水,死水) and other mosquito breeding g... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-07 法国政府近期出台一项道路安全新规,要求所有机动车配备呼吸检测仪;另外,机动车驾驶员还须在车内备有高可见度安全背心和三角警示牌,违者将被处以11欧元的罚款。 A new law has come into force in France making it compulsory for drivers to carry a breathalyzer... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-07-06 A combination of technical failure and human error led to the loss of an Air France flight over the Atlantic in June 2009 and 228 deaths, according to the final report into the crash. 2009年6月法国航空一架客机坠毁在大西洋海域,造成228人死亡。对此次... 阅读全文>> |